Sport |
Association (English name) |
Association (Dutch name)
Athletics |
Royal Dutch Athletics Union |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Atletiek Unie (Atletiekunie)
Badminton |
Badminton Netherlands |
Badminton Nederland
Baseball and Softball |
Royal Dutch Baseball and Softball Association |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Baseball en Softball Bond (KNBSB)
Basketball |
Dutch Basketball Association |
Nederlandse Basketball Bond (NBB)
Billiards |
Royal Dutch Billiards Association |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Biljart Bond (KNBB)
Boxing |
Dutch Boxing Association |
Nederlandse Boks Bond (NBB)
Bridge |
Dutch Bridge Association |
Nederlandse Bridge Bond (NBB)
Curling |
Dutch Curling Association |
Nederlandse Curling Bond (NCB)
Drafts |
Royal Dutch Drafts Association |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Dam Bond (KNDB)
Disabled Sports |
Disabled Sports Netherlands |
Gehandicaptensport Nederland (NebasNsg)
Golf |
Royal Dutch Golf Federation |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Golf Federatie (NGF)
Handball |
Netherlands Handball Association |
Nederlands Handbal Verbond (NHV)
Archery |
Dutch Archery Association |
Nederlandse Handboog Bond (NHB)
Equestrian Sports |
Royal Dutch Equestrian Sports Federation |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Hippische Sportfederatie (KNHS)
Hockey |
Royal Dutch Hockey Association |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Hockey Bond (KNHB)
Judo |
Judo Association Netherlands |
Judo Bond Nederland (JBN)
Korfball |
Royal Dutch Korfball Association |
Koninklijk Nederlands Korfbal Verbond (KNKV)
Lawn Tennis |
Royal Dutch Lawn Tennis Association |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Lawn Tennis Bond (KNLTB)
Rowing |
Royal Dutch Rowing Federation |
Koninklijke Nederlandsche Roeibond (KNRB)
Chess |
Royal Dutch Chess Federation |
Koninklijke Nederlandsche Schaakbond (KNSB)
Ice Skating |
Royal Dutch Ice Skaters Association |
Koninklijke Nederlandsche Schaatsenrijders Bond (KNSB)
Sailing |
Royal Netherlands Watersport Association |
Koninklijk Nederlands Watersport Verbond
Skiing |
Dutch Ski Association |
Nederlandse Ski Vereniging
Table Tennis |
Dutch Table Tennis Association |
Nederlandse Tafeltennisbond (NTTB)
Triathlon |
Dutch Triathlon Association |
Nederlandse Triathlon Bond (NTB)
Volleyball |
Dutch Volleyball Association |
Nederlandse Volleybal Bond (NeVoBo)
Watersport |
Royal Dutch Watersport Association |
Koninklijk Nederlands Watersport Verbond (Watersportverbond)
Cycling |
Royal Dutch Cycling Union |
Koninklijke Nederlandsche Wielren Unie (KNWU)
Swimming |
Royal Dutch Swimming Federation |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Zwembond (KNZB)