The story is set around a Tawaif, Sultana, who accidentally enters the life of Dawood Mohammed Ali Khan Yusafzai. Dawood has already fallen in love with writer Kaynat Mirza. Dawood finds himself in a situation such that he has to claim that Sultana is his wife. Sultana soon makes room in everybody's heart with her softness and intelligence, love, affection and playfulness. Dawood's life takes a turn when he acknowledges that he cannot forget his first love Kaynat, but neither can he subdue his new, burgeoning feelings for Sultana, whose true identity he cannot reveal to anybody without dire consequences both for himself and for her.
In the end, Dawood accepts he has fallen in love with Sultana, while Sulaiman, who has always cared deeply for Kaynat, confesses his love to her.