The T-98 Kombat is a wheeled armoured vehicle built by Kombat Armouring, a subsidiary of Laura Group, in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The name (Russian: комбат, IPA:[kɐmˈba:t]ⓘ), is shorthand for "komandir batalyona" (командир батальона - battalion commander).
There are two basic versions of the T-98 Kombat based on General Motors components, including an 8.1 litre Vortec engine, Allison[clarification needed] transmission, and General Motors[clarification needed] heavy duty suspensions. All running gear and electronics are provided by General Motors. The two versions are:
The “VIP”: has no frame and a monocoque double steel body. The highest protection level uses a composite armor of ceramic between steel layers. VIP Kombats have many options, including leather and wood interiors.
The “Utility”: designed for special operations missions.
The armoured body is based on a "metal-ceramic sandwich with cellular filler" technology. The monocoque body provides protection against mine blasts. Kombat Armouring claims that the most highly armoured T-98 will protect occupants from bullets up to 12.7 mm, shotguns, mines and ramming.[1]
A 340 hp V8 gives the lightest T-98 a top speed of 111 mph (180 km/h),[2] making it one of the fastest all-terrain armoured vehicles in the world.