Sweety Nanna Jodi is a 2013 Indian Kannadaromance film directed by Vijayalakshmi Singh and produced by Radhika Kumaraswamy under her home banner Shamika Enterprises. The film stars Auditya and Radhika in the lead roles. It marks Radhika's comeback to films after a 5-year hiatus.[1][2]
This film is about a corporate love between the main characters.
A critic from The Times of India wrote that "Aditya excels in emotional sequences but it is Ramya Krishna who steals the show with her brilliant performance".[6] Shashiprasad S. M. of Deccan Chronicle wrote that "Apart from 'Sweety Nanna Jodi' being an attempt to relaunch the actress in the lead, the film itself has nothing new to offer".[7]