The film was released on 30 September 2005 across Karnataka cinema halls and received a mixed response from critics and audiences. The critics mentioned that the storyline draws parallels from Tamil films, such as Saamy and Anjaneya.
Film critic R. G. Vijayasarathy of IANS wrote that "Darshan starred 'Swamy' is a replica of the actor's previous hit "Ayya' in which he played the daring police officer's role with aplomb".[1]WebIndia123 wrote "Swamy" is a big letdown for Darshan fans. It is better for the actor to concentrate on good scripts in the future".[2]Viggy wrote "If you want to see Darshan coming out of his existing image, you can help by watching Swamy!".[3]Indiaglitz wrote "There is no logic throughout but only Darshan magic. This film appears to be set for front benchers and Darshan fans".[4]