Sutton (electoral division)

Former electoral division
for the Greater London Council
Sutton electoral division boundaries
DistrictLondon Borough of Sutton
Population166,430 (1969 estimate)
  • 119,695 (1964)
  • 117,721 (1967)
  • 127,521 (1970)
Area10,728.8 acres (43.418 km2)
Former electoral division
Replaced byCarshalton and Sutton and Cheam

Sutton was an electoral division for the purposes of elections to the Greater London Council. The constituency elected two councillors for a three-year term in 1964, 1967 and 1970.


It was planned to use the same boundaries as the Westminster Parliament constituencies for election of councillors to the Greater London Council (GLC), as had been the practice for elections to the predecessor London County Council, but those that existed in 1965 crossed the Greater London boundary. Until new constituencies could be settled, the 32 London boroughs were used as electoral areas which therefore created a constituency called Sutton.[1]

The electoral division was replaced from 1973 by the single-member electoral divisions of Carshalton and Sutton and Cheam.[2]


The Sutton constituency was used for the Greater London Council elections in 1964,[3] 1967[4] and 1970.[5] Two councillors were elected at each election using first-past-the-post voting.[6]

1964 election

The first election was held on 9 April 1964, a year before the council came into its powers. The electorate was 119,695 and two Conservative Party councillors were elected. With 58,851 people voting, the turnout was 49.2%. The councillors were elected for a three-year term.

1964 Greater London Council election: Sutton
Party Candidate Votes % ±%
Conservative George Frederick Everitt 30,393
Conservative Frederick William Thompson 28,979
Labour P. J. Bassett 19,023
Labour H. Ferguson 18,129
Liberal J. D. Ross 7,548
Liberal G. R. Watkin 6,787
Communist A. T. Goddard 1,880
Conservative win (new seat)
Conservative win (new seat)

1967 election

The second election was held on 13 April 1967. The electorate was 117,721 and two Conservative Party councillors were elected. With 52,254 people voting, the turnout was 44.4%. The councillors were elected for a three-year term.

1967 Greater London Council election: Sutton
Party Candidate Votes % ±%
Conservative George Frederick Everitt 30,899
Conservative Alan Horace Lewis Leach 29,879
Labour P. J. Bassett 13,894
Labour C. J. Goodall 12,869
Liberal J. H. G. Browne 6,341
Liberal R. H. Insoll 5,470
Communist F. Clark 1,251
Conservative hold Swing
Conservative hold Swing

1970 election

The third election was held on 9 April 1970. The electorate was 127,521 and two Conservative Party councillors were elected. With 44,774 people voting, the turnout was 35.1%. The councillors were elected for a three-year term.

1970 Greater London Council election: Sutton
Party Candidate Votes % ±%
Conservative George Frederick Everitt 28,062
Conservative Alan Horace Lewis Leach 27,573
Labour P. J. Bassett 12,664
Labour H. Ferguson 12,171
Liberal R. H. Insoll 2,657
Liberal Graham Norman Tope 2,523
Homes before Roads R. B. Cook 600
Communist H. A. Cleverley 503
Homes before Roads D. G. Rennie 474
Union Movement A. H. Burn 310
Conservative hold Swing
Conservative hold Swing


  1. ^ British Information Services (1970). British Record: Political and Economic Notes. To date elections, normally fought on traditional party lines, have been based on the London boroughs, each borough returning two or more councillors; after 1973 there will be single member electoral areas based on parliamentary constituencies.
  2. ^ "The Greater London (Electoral Areas) Order 1972" (PDF). 20 June 1972. Retrieved 10 October 2023.
  3. ^ "General Election of Greater London Councillors" (PDF). 9 April 1964. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 August 2013. Retrieved 10 October 2023.
  4. ^ "General Election of Greater London Councillors" (PDF). 13 April 1967. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 August 2013. Retrieved 10 October 2023.
  5. ^ "Greater London Council Election" (PDF). 9 April 1970. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 August 2013. Retrieved 10 October 2023.
  6. ^ Boothroyd, David. "Greater London Council Election results: Sutton". United Kingdom Election Results. Archived from the original on 24 March 2016. Retrieved 10 October 2023.

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