Star Raiders: The Adventures of Saber Raine is a 2017 Americanscience fiction film about a group of mercenaries who embark on a mission to rescue a prince and princess from an evil tyrant on a far away planet. It was directed by Mark Steven Grove, and stars Casper Van Dien, Cynthia Rothrock, James Lew, Brit Laree, Sara N. Salazar and Sarah Sansoni.
A prince and princess are abducted from their planet. Saber Raine, a soldier of fortune is hired to bring them back. Along with three others, he embarks on the mission. They end up on a planet in the depths of space which is run by an evil overlord called Sinjin. Having been freed from centuries of containment in a cryogenic prison, Sinjin is now teaming up with beings called the Quintari who have caused havoc throughout the galaxy. Sinjin has a plan of revenge against his betrayers' descendants and he has a powerful weapon.[1][2]
The film was produced by Uptown 6 Productions, Fusion Factory Films, and Don't Pose Productions.[3] The film was co-produced by Adam Lipsius and Mark Steven Grove as well as directed by Grove.[4]