The series revolves around three fathers who meet daily at the entrance of their children's kindergarten and touches topics such as friendship, parent-child relationship, love conflicts and changing social roles.[2]
Ignacio Moreno is a successful business executive, who likes to live a life of luxury, surrounded by women and is not interested in compromising. One day someone rings the bell of his apartment. Karina Urrutia, an old love, reveals to Ignacio that he is Johnny's dad. Karina decides to escape, however, Ignacio chases her but he is hit by Ema Díaz. As the days go by, Ignacio takes his son to school and gets a surprise, the teacher is the same woman who almost ran him over. At the school he meets two other parents. Julián Álvarez is a young father, who while working in his fast-food truck with his son Lucas, his in-laws suddenly appear. The father of his late girlfriend, Alberto Echeñique, along with his wife Ensenada Zúñiga, threatens him and tells him that he will do whatever it takes to take away Lucas, since he believes they will take better care of him. Fernando Pereira is a disoriented father who has found love after a separation. After doing his vegetable dance, Julián is visited by the police who want to take custody of his son to what he refuses. In addition, Ignacio and Fernando provoke the police, so the three parents end up in prison. After this meeting, the fathers start a strong friendship and must face new challenges and risks they may have.