Spoorloos (Without A Trace) is a South African crime drama anthology television series created by Ilse van Hemert and developed by Ochre Moving Pictures. The first season is based on the 2014 novel Daddy Long Legs by Vernon W. Baumann and set in the fictional town of Digtersdal in the Eastern Cape.[1] Each subsequent season follows a new small town and cast of characters.
The first season premiered on kykNET on 6 October 2018. The second season Spoorloos: Heksejag premiered on 14 July 2020. The third installment Spoorloos: Steynhof, set in the Northern Cape, premiered on 6 July 2021. In November 2021, it was renewed for a fourth season, which premiered on 19 July 2022 as Spoorloos: Die Eiland.[2]
Ilse van Hemert created Spoorloos. Christo Davids joined the production team for the second season. He was then promoted to head writer and director for the series' third season.[3]
In May 2022, it was announced singer Bobby van Jaarsveld would be making his debut in the fourth season Die Eiland.[5] The rest of the cast was confirmed ahead of the season's premiere in July 2022, including Izel Bezuidenhout, Armand Aucamp, Tiaan Slabbert, Leché Joubert, Deon Coetzee, Marisa Drummond, Hannes van Wyk, Robyn Roussouw, Ilse Klink, Brendon Daniels, Esmeralda Bihl, and Donovan Pietersen.[6]