Spinor condensates are degenerate Bose gases that have degrees of freedom arising from the internal spin of the constituent particles [1]
They are described by a multi-component (spinor) order parameter.
Since their initial experimental realisation,
a wealth of studies have appeared, both
experimental and theoretical, focusing
on the physical properties of spinor condensates, including their
ground states, non-equilibrium dynamics, and
Early work
The study of spinor condensates was initiated in 1998 by experimental groups at JILA [3]
and MIT.[4] These experiments utilised
23Na and 87Rb atoms, respectively.
In contrast to most prior experiments on ultracold gases, these experiments utilised a purely
optical trap, which is spin-insensitive. Shortly thereafter, theoretical work appeared
which described the possible mean-field phases of spin-one spinor condensates.
Underlying Hamiltonian
The Hamiltonian describing a spinor condensate is most frequently written using the language of
second quantization. Here the field operator
creates a boson in Zeeman level at position . These
operators satisfy bosonic commutation relations:
The free (non-interacting) part of the Hamiltonian is
where denotes the mass of the constituent particles and
is an external potential.
For a spin-one spinor condensate, the interaction Hamiltonian is
In this expression,
is the operator corresponding to the density,
is the local spin operator (
is a vector composed of the spin-one matrices),
and :: denotes normal ordering. The parameters
can be expressed in terms of the s-wave scattering lengths of the constituent particles.
Higher spin versions of the
interaction Hamiltonian are slightly more involved, but
can generally be expressed by using Clebsch–Gordan coefficients.
The full Hamiltonian then is .
Mean-field phases
In Gross-Pitaevskii mean field theory, one replaces the field operators with c-number functions:
. To find the mean-field
ground states, one then minimises the resulting energy with respect to these c-number functions.
For a spatially uniform system spin-one system, there are two possible mean-field ground states.
When , the ground state is
while for the ground state is
The former expression is referred to as the polar state while the latter is the
ferromagnetic state.[1]
Both states are unique up to overall spin rotations. Importantly,
cannot be rotated into .
The Majorana stellar representation
[7] provides a particularly insightful description of the mean-field phases of spinor
condensates with larger spin.[2]
Due to being described by a multi-component order parameter, numerous types of
topological defects (vortices) can appear in spinor condensates
.[8]Homotopy theory provides a natural description of topological defects,[9] and is regularly employed to understand
vortices in spinor condensates.