The mission of the STTR is mainly operated out of the Space Range Operations Center (SROC) but the space range is also world-wide deployable. Currently, L3Harris is responsible for sustainment of the SROC.[1] The STTR's operating contractor is currently JT4 who also assists in operating the NTTR, the Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR), and various other military ranges.[2]
The STTR has deployed equipment and personnel to support combatant commander operations and large force exercises such as Austere Challenge.[3][4]
The space range mission was conceived by Air Force Space Command in 2001 and the creation of the Space Range Management Office occurred shortly after.[5] On July 1, 2004, Air Force Space Command activated the 25th Space Control Tactics Squadron with a mission to develop and document space tactics, operate the Space Range and propagate approved tactics and space control employment concepts to warfighters. However, Nov. 11, 2007, the squadron was re-designated the 25th Space Range Squadron due to the focus shifting more to controlling the space range rather than developing tactics and techniques.[6] On April 1, 2012, the STTR gained its reserve component, the 379th Space Range Squadron. Both units are located at Schriever AFB and typically work jointly to complete their mission.[7] Then on April 1, 2013, the STTR was moved under Air Combat Command (ACC) as a subordinate mission to the NTTR.