Sons of Ram is a 2012 Indiananimated film created by ACK Animation Studios, and co-produced by Maya Digital Studios and Cartoon Network India. Based on Hindu mythology, it depicts the sons of Rama, Luv and Kush. It is Amar Chitra Katha's first animated feature film in stereoscopic 3D. It was released to theatres in India on 2 November 2012.
Surayavanshi Ram of Ayodhya, the greatest warrior king that ever lived and the main character of the Ramayana, was forced to send his beloved wife Sita into exile, thus leading him and his kingdom to despair and towards an empty future.
Unknown to Ram, far away in Sage Valmiki's hermitage, Sita lives as Vandevi, raising their twin sons, Luv and Kush. Though not aware of their lineage, the twins imbibe wisdom, compassion, and combat skills that would put any royal prince to shame.
Sita teaches Luv -Kush to always work as a team, secretly hoping that her estranged family would find a way to come together one day. The twins must conquer their inner demons before they can achieve their destinies.
Accompanied by a steadfast gang of their lovable friends, Luv-Kush's journey takes them from enchanted forests with mythical creatures to the revered land of Ayodhya, the home of their fabled heroes.[1]