Conservative group in London, England during the 17th century
Society for Reformation of Manners
An account of the Societies for Reformation of Manners, 1700.
Founded at
Moral reform
Suppression of prostitution
Region served
Great Britain
The Society for the Reformation of Manners was founded in the Tower Hamlets area of London in 1691.[1] Its aims were the suppression of profanity, immorality, and other lewd activities in general, and of brothels and prostitution in particular. The society flourished until the 1730s and was briefly revived during 1757.
It was one of many similar societies founded in that period, it reflected a sea-change in the social attitudes in England following the Glorious Revolution of 1688, and a shifting from the socially liberal attitudes of the Restoration period under Charles II and James II to a more moral and censorious attitude of respectability and seriousness under William III and Mary II. Although inspired and fed by the moral excesses of London, branches were set up in towns and cities as far afield as Edinburgh, where Daniel Defoe was a member, though the societies never flourished in rural areas.
The society was arranged in four tiers, with the "Society of Original Gentlemen" at the top. These eminent professionals (lawyers, judges and MPs) along with the original founders, provided the expertise and financing to enable prosecutions to proceed. The next tier was the "Second Society" which consisted mainly of tradesmen, and whose role it was to suppress vice. Among other methods, the "Second Society" employed a blacklist which they published annually to shame the alleged offenders. Below the tradesmen was the "Association of Constables" who took a more active role in arresting the miscreants who offended the public morality. Finally the fourth layer consisted of informers: a network of "moral guardians" throughout the City of London, with two stewards in each parish, to gather information about moral infractions.[1] The central committee of "Original Gentlemen" collected the information with a view to passing the information to the local magistrates, so the malefactors could be prosecuted and punished. The society would pay others to bring prosecutions, or bring prosecutions on its own account.[1]
...the great square of VENUS, and its purlieus are crowded with the practitioners of this Goddess. One would imagine that all the prostitutes in the Kingdom had decided on this neighbourhood...[2]
The society sought and gained the patronage of both Church and Crown: John Tillotson, the Archbishop of Canterbury between 1691 and 1694 actively encouraged the society and his successor Thomas Tenison commended them to his bishops, while Queens Mary and Anne both issued Proclamations against Vice at the society's urging. The society also had influence within the House of Lords, demonstrated by a declaration of support signed by 36 of the members. While there were undoubtedly MPs that shared the society's viewpoint and some which were members, there was little relevant legislation passed during the period of the society's activities and the society paid little attention to the House of Commons. Jonathan Swift was an early critic of the societies, arguing in his tract A Project for the Advancement of Religion, and the Reformation of Manners (1709), that while the project began with excellent intentions, it had grown into a means of enriching corrupt informers.[3]
The society flourished until the 1730s, with 1,363 prosecutions in 1726–7.[4] There was a series of raids on "molly houses" (homosexual brothels) in 1725. One prominent victim of the society was Charles Hitchen, a "thief-taker" and Under City Marshal. He acted as a "finder" of stolen merchandise, negotiating a fee for the return of the stolen items, while extorting bribes from pickpockets to prevent arrest, and leaning on the thieves to make them fence their stolen goods through him. His business may have been undermined by the success of his competitor Jonathan Wild. In 1727, Hitchen was accused of sodomitical practices, and tried for sodomy (a capital offence) and attempted sodomy. He was sentenced to a fine of 20 pounds, to be put in the pillory for one hour, and then to serve six months in prison. He was badly beaten while in the pillory, and died soon after being released from prison.
Anonymous, A Proposal for a National Reformation of Manners, John Dunton, London 1694.
T. C. Curtis & W. A. Speck, The Societies for the Reformation of Manners: A Case Study in the Theory and Practice of Moral Reform, "Literature and History", III 1976, pp. 45–64.
Burford, E. J. (1986). Wits, Wenchers and Wantons - London's Low Life: Covent Garden in the Eighteenth Century. Hale. p. 260. ISBN0709026293.
Clegg, Jeanne, Perseguitati/persecutori: dissenzienti, delatori e movimento per la riforma del costume, in: Marina Formica & Alberto Postigliola (eds.), Diversità e minoranze nel Settecento, Rome: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2006, pp. 79–86. ISBN9788884983404.