Originally the area was governed by the Meckering Road Board (now the neighbouring Shire of Cunderdin).
The Tammin Road District was gazetted on 18 June 1948. On 1 July 1961, it became a shire under the Local Government Act 1960, which reformed all remaining road districts into shires.[2]
Merger proposals
Tammin is one of the least populous local government areas in Western Australia. A number of proposals have been made to merge the shire with adjoining local government areas. A poll of Tammin residents in 2006 found a majority opposed to a merger.[3] Subsequently, the shire council committed to a proposal to amalgamate with the shires of York, Cunderdin and Quairading. Planning for the merger reached an advanced stage via the South East Avon Group but was rejected by the state government's Local Government Advisory Board in 2014.[4]
The Shire has never had wards, and all six councillors sit at large. The Shire President is elected from amongst the councillors.
^* This LGA holds city status under the Local Government Act 1995, ^† This LGA holds town status under the Local Government Act 1995, ^# Western Australian law applies to the Indian Ocean Territories under the Territories Law Reform Act 1992