There are 285 families and total population of the village is 1272. Among them 646 are males and 626 are females. There are 521 Scheduled Caste (259 males and 262 females) and 4 Scheduled Tribe (2 males and 2 females). The average sex ratio of this village is 969 which is greater than West Bengal average of 950. Literary rate of this village is 78.55% (male 83.39% and female 73.49%) which is also greater than West Bengal literacy which is 76.26%.
Here 40.96% of people are from Scheduled Caste and 0.31% people are from Scheduled Tribe.
The village Shilla has neighbourhoods or paras.
Upper Shillya
It is known as Upper Shillya as this part has higher ground level than other parts of Shilla.
Namo Shillya
It is known as Namo Shilla (Namo means lower) because this part is lower than the other parts of Shilla.
Shillya ghat
It is known as Shillaghat/Shillyaghat (ghat means collecting centre of sand or bank of river) as it is the sand collecting spot.
There are two temples of the Hindu goddess Durga at Upper Shilla. There are also three temples of Devi Kali and two temples of Devi Manasa at Upper Shilla. There is another temple of Durga at Namo Shilla. A small fair is organized here in the winter season (on the last day of the Bengali month Poush) beside the Damodar River.
Sunset at Shillya
Evening at Shillya
Damodar River at Shillya
Shillya mission temple
Durga of Shillya
Durga Murti
Upar Shillya Durgatala
^"". Weather2. 2013.
Retrieved on 6 October 2013.