Shaler Area High School is a high school in Shaler Township, Pennsylvania (with a Pittsburgh mailing address). The school employed 124 teachers yielding a student teacher ratio of 1:14. The students' Race/Ethnicity breakdown was: 1,750 Caucasian, 6 Hispanic, 27 Black, 7 Asian Pacific Islander.[4]
Shaler Area High School was established in 1971 from the court-ordered merger of Etna borough, Reserve Township, Millvale borough, and Shaler Township high schools. The current building was constructed during 1978 and 1979.[5][6]
In 2006, the school board approved a plan to regroup grades within its schools, including moving ninth grade students to the high school. $30 million in renovations were budgeted to create space for classrooms and to enlarge other school facilities.[7]