Sean McAllister is a successful fashion designer who returns home to a small, rural town in southern California when he learns his brother, Rick, has cancer. Sean has been gone for a while since getting into an argument with his father. Rick lives at home with his wife, Glenn, and his live-in nurse Ana. Sean and Rick's father Dick owns a local sports equipment shop and is an avid bowler. Rick's son, Eli idolizes his father and his grandfather and wishes to become as good a bowler as the two of them. Sean arrives and immediately begins opening up old wounds with his father. Sean is gay, and an incident when he was younger involving another boy from the high school football team whom a teacher saw brought shame to Dick, resulting in the two becoming distant even after Sean's rise to fame. Sean tries to reconcile with both his father and his brother, but it proves difficult.
Dick is trying to win a bowling tournament, the Fiesta Bowl, but trouble arises when one of his bowlers becomes injured. Trying to reconnect with his father and family, Sean agrees to join the team. They eventually win the tournament and bring home the trophy to Rick.