Çelebi-Gottschlich migrated to Berlin from Turkey in 1970 at the age of 17. In 1987 she would cause a minor sensation when she became the first individual of Turkish origin to enter any West German Parliament when she joined the Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin on the ticket of the Alternative Liste (AL).[1][2][3] When she began a parliamentary speech in Turkish in April 1987, members of the Christian Democratic Union drowned her out by pounding their fists on the table and she was forced to stop speaking.[4]
"The Development of a Self-Help Project by Immigrant and German Women," 1988 (7 pages) for the International Symposium on Women in International Migration: Social, Cultural and Occupational Issues, with Special Attention to the Second Generation; Berlin, Germany FR in 1988.
External links
Jeannette Goddar/Dorte Huneke (Hrsg.): "Auf Zeit. Für immer. Zuwanderer aus der Türkei erinnern sich," Ein Projekt der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung und des KulturForums TürkeiDeutschland e. V. Schriftenreihe Band 1183, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn 2011. Link to BPB shop.