In its latter years, the Seto service was operated using 24/25 series sleeping cars.[3] The train was hauled by a JR East Tabata (Tokyo)-based EF65-1000 DC electric locomotive throughout.[3]
A JR West MaNi 50-5000 luggage van at the rear of a Seto service in 1990
The Seto service commenced on 1 April 1950, as an "express" service operating between Tokyo and Uno in Okayama Prefecture.[3] From 11 November 1956, the name was changed to kanji, written as 瀬戸.[3] From 15 March 1972, the train was upgraded to become a "limited express" service.[3] In 1977, the 20 series sleeping cars were replaced by 24/25 series sleeping cars.[2]