Sengoku Komachi Kurōtan (戦国小町苦労譚, "A Sengoku Period Belle's Labor Story") is a Japanese light novel series written by Kyōchikutō and illustrated by Geko Hirasawa. It began serialization on the user-generated novel publishing website Shōsetsuka ni Narō in January 2013. It was later acquired by Earth Star Entertainment who began publishing it under their Earth Star Novel imprint in January 2016. A manga adaptation illustrated by Hajime Sawada, titled Sengoku Komachi Kurōtan: Nōkō Giga, began serialization on Earth Star Entertainment's Comic Earth Star manga website in May 2017.
A 21st-century Japanese schoolgirl, Ayanokouji Shizuko, is mysteriously transported to 16th-century Japan. She survives by convincing one of the competing warlords—specifically, Oda Nobunaga—that she can assist his rise to power by improving agricultural production (by using her modern scientific knowledge, though she doesn't tell him that).
Many historical figures appear as supporting characters—Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Takeda Shingen, and others—and many agricultural and industrial techniques are described, making the series a form of edutainment. As Shizoku's actions start to change history, the series becomes an alternate history.
Light novel
Written by Kyōchikutō, Sengoku Komachi Kurōtan began serialization on the user-generated novel publishing website Shōsetsuka ni Narō on January 27, 2013. It was later acquired by Earth Star Entertainment who began publishing it with illustrations by Geko Hirasawa under their Earth Star Novel imprint on January 15, 2016. Seventeen volumes have been released as of March 2024.[2]
A manga adaptation illustrated by Hajime Sawada, titled Sengoku Komachi Kurōtan: Nōkō Giga (戦国小町苦労譚 農耕戯画), began serialization on Earth Star Entertainment's Comic Earth Star manga website on May 26, 2017.[19] Fifteen tankōbon volumes have been released as of February 2024.[20]