"Send Me on My Way" is a song by American worldbeat rock band Rusted Root. Originally released as a rough version on 1992's Cruel Sun, it was re-recorded in 1994 for their second album, When I Woke, and released as the lead single.[2] Root's frontman, Michael Glabicki, wrote the lyrics, and its other members – Liz Berlin, John Buynak, Jim Dispirito, Jim Donovan, Patrick Norman and Jennifer Wertz – contributed to the track.[2] It peaked at number 72 on the Billboard Hot 100.[4]
Critical reception
Critical reception has been mixed. In January 2014, in a review for Cruel Sun, Kurt Keefner said that "the African vocal riff from 'Send Me on My Way' is bad Ladysmith Black Mambazo",[5] whereas Chris Baker of Syracuse.com said "The song's pep and lightheartedness is undoubtedly responsible for its success. Unlike the fervor found in songs like 'Ecstasy' or 'Lost in a Crowd,' 'Send Me on My Way' is unbridled optimism – perfect for a children's movie."[6]
Music video
Directed by Sean Alquist, the music video was filmed in the badlands of South Dakota in late 1994.[7]
Because of its use in popular culture, frontman Glabicki has said that the song has "become a different thing for us. It's this thing that lives next to us. Everyone has a great memory or connection with the song. The song grew up and now has a life of its own; it's bigger; we get to sit back and watch it."[16]
^Dave Lane, Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity, Vol 1 2003–2004 (2008), p. 52 ("Controllers at JPL chose "Send Me on My Way," by Rusted Root, and "Desert Drive," by Tangerine Dream, as Opportunity's wake up music for sol 21").