Sekai Irene Nzenza Kanhutu is a Zimbabwean writer, cultural critic and politician.[1]
She was born in rural Zimbabwe, where she trained as a nurse, before doing additional nursing studies in England and subsequently going to live in Australia.[2] She held senior positions in Melbourne and Los Angeles.[3]
Her semi-autobiographical first book, Zimbabwean Woman: My Own Story, was published in 1988. Her book Songs to an African Sunset (1997) describes her return to her family's village in the early 1990s.[4][5] She has a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Melbourne.[6][7]
Sekai wrote a weekly column for The Herald newspaper from 2011 to 2018,[8] often returning to the theme of Zimbabweans reclaiming their cultural heritage and village roots. She entered politics as the Member for Chikomba East in Zimbabwe's 2018 harmonised elections.[9] She was appointed as Zimbabwe's Minister of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare on 7 September 2018.[10]