Seinfeld was produced by Castle Rock Entertainment and aired on NBC in the United States. The executive producers were Larry David, George Shapiro, and Howard West with Tom Gammill and Max Pross as supervising producers. Bruce Kirschbaum was the executive consultant, after being a staff writer in the previous season.[2] This season was directed by Andy Ackerman, replacing Tom Cherones, who had directed the majority of the episodes of the previous five seasons following the original pilot episode. Ackerman would direct every episode for the remainder of the series' run, with the exception of season six's "The Secretary" and season eight's "The Comeback", both directed by David Owen Trainor.
Jerry meets Miss Rhode Island, who is competing in the Miss America pageant and consequently must be chaperoned on her date with Jerry, Kramer fills the role and quickly becomes her personal coach. Elaine seeks to follow in the footsteps of Jackie Kennedy Onassis in securing a position with Doubleday, but she soon finds her job as personal assistant to an executive to be unfulfilling. George replaces polyester with cotton as the material for the Yankees' uniforms, with alarming results.
Elaine must find a special mechanical pencil for her new boss and soon finds herself dealing with the romantic advances of a stationery store clerk. George purchases a "big salad" for Elaine, but his girlfriend appears to take credit for the purchase. Jerry learns that his current girlfriend formerly dated Newman, who ended the relationship. Kramer plays golf with an ex-Major League Baseballer, whose rules violations Kramer notes, giving rise to a fight. The man is later suspected in the murder of a dry cleaner, and Kramer helps the man flee in a white Ford Bronco in a situation similar to that of O. J. Simpson.
Elaine's boss, Justin Pitt, eats a Snickers bar with a knife and fork, starting a trend that seems to sweep the city. Jerry and Elaine deal with a couple who sound altogether similar on the phone. Jerry cashes checks long since written by his grandmother, causing her account to become overdrawn. Jerry works on a public television fundraiser and convinces George to bring Yankee Danny Tartabull.
Jerry and Elaine see George's father with a man in a cape but don't say hello. Jerry discovers a Chinese woman, Donna Chang, on George's phone line after the wires get crossed; he gets a date with her, but learns she isn't Chinese. Kramer goes to a fertility clinic. Elaine ruins her friend Noreen's latest romance with a long talker. George's life is made miserable when his parents separate.
Elaine begins to date the guy who delivers Jerry's new couch. Kramer plans to start a pizza business with Poppie. George joins a book club, but tries to rent the movie. Jerry and Elaine's discussion of the abortion issue causes trouble for Poppie, Elaine's relationship, and Jerry's new couch. George spends the evening with the family who has rented the film, with less than spectacular results.
Jerry dates a Romanian Olympic gymnast. Jerry and Kramer find out about one of George's bathroom habits. Kramer passes a kidney stone. George is caught eating out of the trash. Mr. Pitt becomes obsessed with finding the image in a 3-D painting.
Elaine brings over a man she met in England and he turns out to be a real bounder. Jerry accepts an Armani suit from an obnoxious comedian, who only wants dinner in return. George goes for a walk with a waitress from Monk's. After his kidney stone, Kramer decides to eat only fresh foods.
A salesman convinces George to buy a convertible once owned by "Jon Voight." Kramer tries to save a small shoe-repair business, but his good intentions affect Jerry in a big way. Elaine wins tickets for Mr. Pitt, who's always wanted to participate in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Jerry confronts his dry cleaner. George passes over hiring an attractive secretary for a less attractive one. Kramer gets Uma Thurman's phone number. Elaine tries to buy a dress, but is unsatisfied with the inaccurate mirrors in the store.
Jerry meets an old rival, who suspects that he cheated in a high school race. Elaine is put on a "blacklist" and finds out her boyfriend, Ned (Todd Kimsey), is a Communist. George responds to a personal ad in a Communist newspaper. Kramer becomes a department store Santa.
Elaine lets a potential employer borrow Mr. Pitt's tennis racket. Jerry's girlfriend never laughs. George's model girlfriend may be bulimic. Kramer's first name is revealed, Cosmo. Kramer begins to use his first name.
Elaine and Jerry think Tim Whatley is a "re-gifter". George convinces his girlfriend to get her male roommate to move out. Kramer takes playing a game of Risk against Newman seriously.
George meets an old friend (Jon Lovitz) who's spent the last few months undergoing chemotherapy. Kramer calls a litterbug "a pig" near a cop. Kramer asks Elaine where her old boyfriend got his glasses. George gets a toupee.
Elaine tries to convert a gay man. George discovers that the woman Kramer has set him up with is bald. Kramer begins standing in police lineups for $50 a lineup. Jerry begins to date a cop, but she wants him to take a lie detector test about Melrose Place.
Elaine's friend has an old style hairdo, that Jerry and Elaine want Kramer to comment on. Jerry's grandmother wants him to open a ketchup bottle. Kramer puts tenant pictures up in the lobby. George gets his arm looked at. Elaine injures her shoulder carrying equipment home, and can't get any complementary treatment by her friend who is a physiotherapist.
The doorman in Mr. Pitt's building causes trouble for Jerry. Kramer robs George on the street for some German tourists. George's father is living with him. Kramer develops a new undergarment for males. Jerry offers his soiled couch to replace the one that was stolen while he was "on duty."
The guys play a game of basketball with "Jimmy". Jerry discovers they carry Penthouse in a dental office waiting room. Elaine gets tickets to a benefit for AMCA featuring Mel Tormé, the "Velvet Fog." Elaine tries to meet a handsome guy at the gym, but instead talks with "Jimmy", who makes the date for himself. Kramer has a visit to the dentist complete with Novocain.
Jerry finds out he was eating pecans that were in his girlfriend's mouth. George finds a doodle that his girlfriend (Christa Miller) drew of him. Kramer is eating some tasty peaches that come in season for two weeks every year, but he loses his sense of taste. Fleas force Jerry and his parents out of his apartment. Elaine has an interview with a publisher. Elaine must go into Jerry's fumigated apartment to get an unpublished manuscript. George finds out that his girlfriend really doesn't care what he looks like.
Kramer gets his new license plates from the DMV, but the plates say "ASSMAN." Jerry finds out his mechanic used his "move" on Elaine while making love to her. Kramer makes a statue of Jerry out of fusilli pasta.
Jerry plans to meet a super model at an airport club, but his assistant makes the trip a nightmare. Elaine says she will quit working for Mr. Pitt, but finds out that she's going to be in his will. George tries to prove to his boss that he is not a racist, when he says his boss looks like Sugar Ray Leonard. Kramer meets a rich Texan with whom he starts making bets.
Elaine's boyfriend David Puddy paints his face and his behavior at a hockey game makes a priest believe he has seen the devil. A monkey throws a banana peel at Kramer. George tries to tell his girlfriend that he loves her. Jerry refuses to give the "necessary" follow-up courtesy thank you for the hockey tickets.
George and Jerry are suspected of deliberately injuring Bette Midler during a softball game, giving Jerry's girlfriend a chance to perform. Kramer becomes Bette's personal assistant. Elaine gets George's father to translate for her when she suspects that her manicurist has made some obvious snide remarks in a foreign tongue. Elaine meets J. Peterman, and gets herself a new job.