The animated television series is set within a futuristic universe, populated by an array of species from different galaxies. These species engage in a widely celebrated racing activity known as Scan2Go. Central to this activity are miniature, automated toy cars that race autonomously. These cars are controlled using special cards that provide power-ups and turboboosts to enhance their performance. Scan2Go races are characterized as one-lap sprint competitions conducted on large-scale tracks. Success in these races hinges on speed and strategic manoeuvring, with racers required to adeptly navigate a variety of obstacles, some of which may pose significant challenges or hazards. The format of Scan2Go races varies, with some conducted as team efforts, while others are free-for-all competitions.
In the narrative of "Scan2Go," the central figure is Kazuya 'Kaz' Gordon, a youthful protagonist leading the 'Team Jet,' initially known as the 'Junior Earth Team.' Kaz begins his journey in Scan2Go racing from Earth, a planet not yet enamored with the Scan2Go trend. His ambition is to rise to prominence as the preeminent Scan2Go racer. While his primary goal is to achieve unparalleled success in racing across the universe, Kaz's journey is also marked by the forging of new friendships in his quest for glory.
The storyline intensifies with the introduction of Ryu Kaizel, a formidable adversary and principal antagonist. Kaizel is notorious for dismantling the Scan2Go committee and harbours ambitions to manipulate the negative emotions of humanity, ultimately aiming at the annihilation of the Universe. This conflict forms a pivotal element of the plot, adding depth to Kaz's journey.
Scan2Go consists of a car and two types of cards, the power card and the turbo card. There are 20 Scan2Go cars which come in a variety of models, each associated with a character in the story.
Innovate Technology
The Innovate technology allows a player to program the car to activate power turbo sequences during the race.
Power Cards (12 levels)
Determines how strong the turbo engine boosts up. Each of the 12 cars has 12 different design for the power cards. Each of the designs reflects different power level.
Turbo Cards (6 levels)
Determines how many times the turbo engine boosts up. There are six levels of turbo cards for each of the 12 cars.