Satya In Love is an Indian Kannada-language movie released in 2008. It is directed by Raghav Loki and produced by T.N. Ramesh under Ananya Enterprises. The music is composed by Gurukiran, an Indian music composer and singer. The movie features Shiva Rajkumar and Genelia D'Souza in the lead roles and was released in one hundred theaters across India.[1]
Satya falls in love with Veda when he witnesses her nursing a stranger who had a seizure. After this encounter, Veda disappears into a crowd, prompting Satya to embark on a search to find her. He learns that she lives in Kurnool with her father Ranga Reddy, who holds control in that region. Satya goes to Reddy's house but is beaten by Ranga's henchmen. Veda is surprised to see Satya as she has never seen him before. Satya, undeterred by the beating, perseveres in his quest to win Veda's affection. Despite the initial setback, he discovers a way to connect with her, determined to overcome the challenges presented by Veda's formidable father.
The movie opened to positive reviews, receiving a rating of 3 out of 5 from Times of India and praise from the Deccan Herald.[3][4] It received major criticism from viewers in Karnataka due to excessive usage of Telugu language throughout the movie.
The film opened to record-breaking collections and was the first Kannada film to simultaneously release across India in places like TN, AP, Maharashtra, Goa and Delhi.
The official soundtrack contains eight songs with one theme song. Released on 14 February 2008,[6] Satya In Love's soundtrack was composed by Gurukiran. The lyrics were written by four different lyricists: Hrudaya Shiva, Kaviraj, V. Manohar, and Malavalli Saikrishna. The audio was released on Valentine's Day at a hotel in Bangalore.[7]