San Juan Ixcoy (also known as Yich Kʼox in Qʼanjobʼal) is a municipality in the Guatemalandepartment of Huehuetenango. The municipality covers an area of 224 km2 (86 sq mi) and is formed by the town of San Juan Ixcoy, 11 villages and 33 caserios (rural communities). Its population of 19,367 (in 2002)[1] is predominantly of MayaQ'anjob'al descent.[2]
Most households depend on subsistence agricultural and produce maize, beans and ayote (Cucurbita argyrosperma), as well as potatoes, wheat, and horticultural products. Artesanal production of textiles and traditional crafts adds to household income. Other economic activities include labour migration to the large plantations on the Guatemalan south coast and in some cases to the United States.[3]