The fifth and final season of Samurai Jack, an American animated series, premiered on Adult Swim's Toonami programming block on March 11, 2017, and concluded its run on May 20, 2017. The announcement of the season came in December 2015, eleven years since the series was originally concluded on Cartoon Network. Genndy Tartakovsky, the series' creator, returned as a director, writer, and storyboarder for this season. The season received universal acclaim from both critics and fans, praising it for its visuals as well as its more dark, intense, mature tone, deeming it a satisfying conclusion to the series.
Fifty years have passed, but I do not age. Time has lost its effect on me. Yet the suffering continues. Aku's grasp chokes the past, present, and future. Hope is lost. Got to get back – back to the past. Samurai Jack.
The fifth season of the series takes place 50 years after the original four seasons, although Jack himself has stopped aging as a side effect of time travel. Aku has destroyed all existing time portals but is distressed over the prospect of battling Jack forever, so he has stopped pursuing him directly. Jack's heroic actions have inspired many to oppose Aku's tyranny, among them the now-elderly Scotsman, who unsuccessfully leads armies in a battle against Aku and is killed by him but returns as the spirit of his younger self. Unknown to Aku, Jack has lost his sword, and is troubled by hallucinations of his deceased family, his former self, and Aku's numerous victims, almost to the point of suicide.
A set of fraternal septuplet girls are born from Aku's essence to the high priestess of a cult of female Aku worshipers, the "Daughters of Aku", and raised as assassins with the sole purpose of killing Jack. They find and overwhelm Jack, but he later kills all but one of them, Ashi, the eldest. In the bowels of a monster that swallows them both, Jack saves her from various dangers, attempting to convince her of Aku's evil. Deciding to accompany Jack, Ashi comes to see the truth of Jack's words, and helps him through his emotional and spiritual journey, preventing a suicide attempt and helping him reclaim his sword. Following a battle alongside each other, they become romantically involved.
Aku eventually learns that Jack lost his sword and confronts him, not knowing Jack has recovered it in the interim. However, Aku senses his essence within Ashi, and seizes control of her in order to attack Jack. Jack refuses to kill Ashi and lays down his sword in defeat. Aku takes Jack prisoner and prepares to kill him, but everyone Jack has helped throughout his journey rallies to his defense. Jack admits to Ashi he loves her, enabling her to regain control of herself. She returns the sword to Jack and uses demonic powers she inherited from Aku to time travel with Jack to the moment when Aku sent Jack to the future, whereupon Jack destroys the weakened Aku for good. With peace restored, Ashi and Jack prepare to marry, but on her way to the altar, she suddenly collapses, as slaying Aku invalidates her existence, causing her to fade away.
The series ends with a grieving Jack smiling when he watches a ladybug land on his hand and then fly free in a grove of blossoming sakura trees.
Created by Genndy Tartakovsky, Samurai Jack originally aired on Cartoon Network from 2001 to 2004, comprising four seasons. The series follows a young samurai (voiced by Phil LaMarr) who is cast into the future by the evil shape-shifting demon Aku (voiced originally by Mako, Greg Baldwin (fifth season)) mere moments before defeating the demon. He adopts the name Jack and continues his fight in the dystopian future ruled by Aku. Jack seeks to find a portal back to his time but is constantly thwarted by the demon's forces. The series was left open-ended after the conclusion of the fourth season.[1] Tartakovsky previously expressed interest in a film adaptation of the series to provide a genuine conclusion, but the project never materialized.[2][3]: 2:50
"Technology is different, we're using computers now, instead of hamsters like the old days."
Craig Kellman, character designer, Behind the Scenes featurette[4]
Starting in 2014, reruns of Samurai Jack were aired on Toonami, an action-oriented programming block on Adult Swim.[5] Within two weeks of Tartakovsky's first communication with executive Mike Lazzo, a deal was reached for 10 more episodes of the series.[6] The network released a short teaser in December 2015 after it green-lit the return of the series with Genndy Tartakovsky as executive producer and Cartoon Network Studios as the season's production company.[7] Artwork used in the teaser derived from the cover of an issue from IDW Publishing's comic book adaptation of the series.[8] The new season received further mention ahead of the network's 2016 upfront press release.[9] The fifth season was announced for the 2016–17 television season.[10] Work-in-progress excerpts were shared at the 2016 Annecy International Animated Film Festival.[11] According to Tartakovsky, having a small production team allowed for a smaller budget, faster schedule, and greater creative freedom for the team,[6] and executive producer Mike Lazzo gave the team a free hand, with minimal intervention in the production. Changes in television animation storytelling since the cartoon's original series allowed the show to shift from episodic storytelling, where each episode is more or less independent from the others, to one cohesive serialized story that will conclude Jack's journey.[12][4] The serialized format allows every episode to have a "reveal" that takes the show in a different direction.[3]: 4:01 The final episode was storyboarded in October 2016,[13] and Tartakovsky expressed hope it would have a very emotional impact on the audience.[14] All the original Samurai Jack episodes are designated by Roman numerals,[15] and the original series ended with episode "LII" (52). Season five opens with episode "XCII" (92); the jump in numbering signifies the elapsed time from the last episode of season four.[16]
Phil LaMarr reprises his role as Jack,[4] and John DiMaggio reprises his role as the Scotsman, a fan-favorite[17] ally of Jack's. Sab Shimono reprises his role as the Emperor, Jack's unnamed father who originally vanquished Aku. Due to the death of Mako, who originally voiced Aku, Tartakovsky at first considered using a completely different voice for the character.[18] However, considering how Mako's voice was an important element of the character,[4] voice actor Greg Baldwin was brought in to mimic the original voice.[19] Baldwin had previously served as Mako's replacement for the voice of Iroh during the final season of Avatar: The Last Airbender and the second and third seasons of The Legend of Korra. Tara Strong and Tom Kenny, who guest starred in the previous seasons, respectively voice the season's recurring characters Ashi and Scaramouche.
The season explores the hero's journey and the identity of the hero when his journey stagnates.[20]Choice and lack of choice are explored: in Jack's introspections and actions; in the actions of Jack's enemies; in the contrast between humans who choose their actions and machines which are programmed; and in destiny and fate which offer no choice.[21] Of the distinction and parallel between robots and humans, Tartakovsky said: "I wanted to show the human side that's been treated like a machine. Aku builds robots and all these robots are singularly programmed to kill Jack. What if it's humans? What if the one purpose in your whole life is to kill this one person and you're raised from birth that way?"[22]Angelica Jade Bastién of New York magazine writes that there is a "distinctive undercurrent of loneliness stretching through the series from start to finish." Jack is often alone, dwarfed by the "grand solemnity of nature." He has lost his home and his relationship with his family, and in the final episode he loses his relationship with the woman he is about to marry.[23]
Approximately fifty years after the events of the original series, Jack has not aged as a side effect of time travel. His sword is lost, he has given up hope of returning to his time, and he is tormented by hallucinations of his deceased parents, his kingdom, and a mysterious armored figure on horseback. Jack, now using futuristic weapons and robotic samurai armor, rescues a mother and her two children from a beetle drone army, and wanders the land on a motorcycle. Scaramouche—a fast-talking musical assassin robot styled after Sammy Davis Jr.[14]—has destroyed a village and killed its people to get Jack's attention. Jack delays in arriving to the village but still defeats Scaramouche and takes one of his weapons. Meanwhile, seven septuplet sisters are raised and trained from birth by the "Daughters of Aku", an Aku-worshiping cult led by an unnamed High Priestess, their mother, to become a team of assassins with the sole purpose of killing Jack for Aku.
Genndy Tartakovsky
Bryan Andrews and Genndy Tartakovsky
Darrick Bachman, Bryan Andrews, and Genndy Tartakovsky
Unaware that Jack has lost his sword, Aku has grown tired of pursuing him and is starting to give up hope of ever defeating Jack, especially since he has stopped aging. Elsewhere, the seven Daughters of Aku assassins overwhelm and disarm Jack. While hiding from them, he hallucinates an argument with himself about the point of keeping on living and fighting. He flees to a nearby temple ruin, pursued by the Daughters. One of them stabs him in the side as he kills her, and he discovers the Daughters are human, not robots as he assumed. Jack uses Scaramouche's tuning fork-like dagger to make the temple walls explode, and escapes into a river flowing past it. The episode's climax is an homage to the musical composition "The Ecstasy of Gold", originally featured in the film The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.[21]
Jack floats downriver and takes shelter in a cave, while the six surviving Daughters of Aku assassins track him. He hallucinates an argument with himself over whether he can kill them all if necessary as he had never before killed a human. A wounded wolf who had previously battled tiger-like creatures joins Jack, and they bond as they recuperate from their injuries. Jack recalls an incident from his childhood where his father gave a group of assassins accosting his family a choice: leave, or "face your destiny". They attacked, and Jack's father killed them. As the Daughters follow remnants of Jack's blood and close in on him, he gives them the same choice, echoing his father's words. When they stay, he quickly kills three and lures the others onto a branch hanging over an abyss. One by one, Jack drops them into the abyss, but before he can return to solid ground, the branch breaks, and he too falls into the abyss.
Genndy Tartakovsky
Genndy Tartakovsky
Darrick Bachman, Bryan Andrews, and Genndy Tartakovsky
Jack awakens and finds the last surviving Daughters of Aku assassin lying bloodied in the snow. He quickly prevents an attack from the Daughter, Ashi, and binds her with the chain from her own chain-sickle. They are both suddenly swallowed by an enormous creature. On the way down into the creature's digestive system, Ashi again attacks Jack, but he saves her from falling to her death. Jack hallucinates an argument with himself over saving Ashi or leaving her to die. He protects her from various monsters and carries her with him despite her ongoing threats and attempts to kill him. With help from flying beings, they make it out of the creature and into a body of water, where Jack saves Ashi from drowning and carries her to a small island. She prepares to attack him again, but relents and drops her sickle upon seeing, in contrast to the High Priestess, who once crushed a ladybug for not being "a part of Aku's order", Jack gently release a ladybug that landed on his hand.
Genndy Tartakovsky
Bryan Andrews and Genndy Tartakovsky
Darrick Bachman, Bryan Andrews, and Genndy Tartakovsky
Jack's longtime friend the Scotsman, a now elderly wheelchair user, leads an attack on Aku's tower. Aku easily obliterates two of the three assembled rebel armies. The Scotsman stalls Aku to allow his army of daughters to retreat. Aku kills him, but the magic Celtic runes on his broken claymore allow him to return as a specter in his youthful prime. He then instructs his daughters to reorganize for another day of battle so they can find Jack and help him destroy Aku. Elsewhere, Ashi has a troubling vision of the High Priestess, who frowns upon Ashi's insubordination. Ashi asks Jack to prove his claims of Aku's evil nature. They journey to several places destroyed by Aku and eventually come upon a razed village whose children have been taken by the Dominator, a human in robotic armor, to a factory and turned evil by a mind-control device. While Jack fights the children, Ashi destroys the Dominator and the device. Jack is horrified to see the children collapse, believing them to be dead. The mysterious horseman appears, and Jack willingly follows. Ashi arrives as the children start coming to, and finds that Jack is gone.
Genndy Tartakovsky
Genndy Tartakovsky
Darrick Bachman, Bryan Andrews, and Genndy Tartakovsky
As Ashi searches for Jack, she comes across many grateful people that Jack had helped in the past. She also meets defeated enemies who now respect Jack at a bar tended by Da' Samurai, a former samurai wannabe humbled by Jack. Along her search, she sheds her suit of black ash and forges a floral outfit. A mysterious cloaked woman helps Ashi find Jack in a graveyard surrounded by the spirits of great warriors. The horseman haunting Jack, the Omen, announces that Jack must face the consequences of his failure or be dishonored. Jack prepares to commit seppuku, while the Omen attacks Ashi to keep her from interfering. She pleads to Jack not to lose hope and tells him of all the lives he saved, including her own. Upon learning the children from the previous episode are still alive, Jack regains some confidence and destroys the specter, then tells Ashi they must find his sword. Meanwhile, Scaramouche, whom Jack reduced to a talking head, sets out to inform Aku that Jack lost his sword. He sneaks onto a boat but is thrown overboard by anthropomorphic dog passengers for insulting them.
Genndy Tartakovsky
Bryan Andrews and Genndy Tartakovsky
Darrick Bachman, Bryan Andrews, and Genndy Tartakovsky
In a flashback at a ruined mountaintop temple, Jack jumps into the last time portal in existence when Aku pulls him out and destroys it. Angrily, Jack fights and kills three small, ram-like creatures transformed into monsters by Aku. Traumatized after killing living creatures, Jack drops his sword, which falls into the deep pit where the portal was. In the present, Jack and Ashi return to the temple but cannot find the sword. Realizing the sword abandoned him because of his consuming anger, Jack meditates to determine its whereabouts. Ashi defends him from enemy soldiers and the High Priestess, killing her with an arrow. Jack's meditation takes him on an astral journey to an old monk, who tells him after a tea ceremony that he has lost his sense of balance. Relinquishing his anger, which manifests as the spirit of his evil counterpart Mad Jack, Jack is transported to a heavenly realm where the gods Ra, Rama and Odin[30] restore his familiar appearance and return his sword, now further empowered by his own balanced spirit. After Jack returns to the material world, he and Ashi set out to confront Aku.
Genndy Tartakovsky
Genndy Tartakovsky
Darrick Bachman, Bryan Andrews, and Genndy Tartakovsky
A spaceship is knocked off course by an asteroid and crashes on Earth. Elsewhere, Jack and Ashi travel together and board a giant, camel-like beast that carries passengers across the desert. The other passengers attack them, so the two escape and continue traveling on foot. They get caught in a sandstorm and find shelter in the crashed spaceship, where thousands of leech-like creatures band together as a monstrosity dubbed "Lazarus-92" and pursue them. They come upon a weapon designed specifically to counter Lazarus but do not know how to operate it. Jack and Ashi fight the horde and are almost completely engulfed before Jack activates the device, electrocuting the creatures. After Jack and Ashi recuperate, they passionately kiss as Dean Martin's "Everybody Loves Somebody" starts playing and continues through the end credits.
Genndy Tartakovsky
Bryan Andrews and Genndy Tartakovsky
Darrick Bachman, Bryan Andrews, and Genndy Tartakovsky
Ashi bonds with Jack as he tells her of his life before Aku. During the night, Jack ventures off alone, and by day happens upon the ruins of a time portal he was prophesied to use, as well as the broken glasses of the Guardian he unsuccessfully fought.[33] Ashi catches up to Jack, who explains he left her behind out of fear of losing her to Aku as he did many others. Ashi reassures him that, together, they will defeat Aku. Aku suddenly appears with Scaramouche, who has finally informed him about Jack losing his sword and had his body restored as a reward. Upon seeing Jack has his sword, Aku swiftly destroys Scaramouche and starts to leave, but he senses himself inside of Ashi. He recalls visiting the Daughters of Aku and leaving some of his essence in a goblet, then assumes the High Priestess must have drunk it and given birth to her seven children, making Ashi literally his daughter. Aku possesses and transforms Ashi, forcing her to fight Jack. When Jack wounds Ashi, she briefly comes back to her senses and begs Jack to kill her. Unwilling to do so, Jack lays down his sword in defeat, which Aku then holds up triumphantly.
Genndy Tartakovsky
Bryan Andrews and Genndy Tartakovsky
Darrick Bachman, Bryan Andrews, and Genndy Tartakovsky
On a global television broadcast, Aku reprises his opening narration from the last four seasons, then announces he has captured Jack and his sword. Before Ashi can kill the samurai, many of Jack's allies arrive and assault Aku and his fortress. After they free Jack, Aku overpowers them, and Ashi prevents him from recovering his sword. Jack finds Ashi's true form inside her demonic body and frees her from Aku's possession by telling her that he loves her. Ashi argues with Aku and discovers she has inherited his powers, using them to retrieve Jack's sword and send herself and Jack back in time to the moment right after Aku first flung Jack into the future. Jack finally kills Aku and destroys his tower, and Ashi feels Aku's essence leave her. Jack and Ashi prepare to get married, but as Ashi walks the aisle, she suddenly collapses and fades away, informing Jack with her last breath that Aku's demise invalidates her existence. Jack goes off alone to grieve in a dark forest but finds closure as he watches a ladybug land on his hand and fly away. The sun shines overhead, revealing that the forest is full of cherry blossom trees in bloom.
The 2020 video game Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time offers an alternative scenario (stated as canon by Genndy Tartakovsky) in which, as Jack is making his journey home, Aku diverts him into a "timeless realm" from which he must escape with Ashi while reliving battles from the entire series. If the player collects all the kamons belonging to Jack's father but corrupted by Aku, they can unlock an alternate ending where Jack and Ashi live together happily ever after regardless of Aku's destruction thanks to the time pocket copy of the future preventing Ashi's nonexistence.
On January 24, 2017, Adult Swim announced in an interstitial bumper that the show would debut on March 11, 2017.[36] The first three episodes of the season were screened at the Ace Hotel Los Angeles two days before the season's television premiere.[14] An unannounced change in schedule on April Fools' Day supplanted a new Samurai Jack episode with the premiere of the third season of Rick and Morty, which aired repeatedly from 8 PM to midnight ET.[37][38]
On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the season holds an approval rating of 100% based on 23 reviews, with an average rating of 9.1/10, with the critics' consensus reading: "An increasing intensity and maturity are evident in Samurai Jack's beautifully animated, action-packed and overall compelling fifth season".[44] On Metacritic the season has an average score of 94 out of 100, based on 6 critics, indicating "universal acclaim".[45] Joshua Yehl of IGN called it a "double-edged season" referring to the contrast between the presentation and the story. He calls the presentation, artistry, animation and sound design masterful, in contrast to the story that didn't always deliver satisfying answers to the questions introduced early in the season, despite being more mature and sophisticated than the original show.[46]
^Dietsch, T. J. (December 3, 2015). "Samurai Jack Is Coming Back". Geek. Ziff Davis. Archived from the original on December 3, 2015. Retrieved May 24, 2016.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
^Samurai Jack, DVD synopsis: Warner Home Video, May 4, 2004, These and all subsequent episodes are designated by Roman numerals (I, II, III, and so on) and an alternate title
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