The film begins in the Addam newspaper. Its Editor, Chandrashekhar, a rectitude, always fights to expose the evils in society. He reared three orphans, Chandra, Abhi, & Aparna, who have settled abroad. Once, an abrupt attempt happens on Chandrashekar since he is to show up, Home Minister Bhagawan Raj's scams. Bhagawan Raj is a scandalous malice who runs vicious politics and defrauded 600 crores of public money in the past four years—being aware of the plight of Chandrashekar's children back when Chandra talked wrongly regarding the system & society. Like a shot, Chandrashekar's retort makes him understand the social conscience of an ordinary man. Soon after the recovery, Chandrashekar announces a statement. So, Bhagawan Raj hangs him by his sidekick Lingam Goud and designs it a suicide. Chandra pledges to continue his father's legacy and takes up Addam's responsibility as Editor. He marches forward in his father's footsteps, i.e., "To change the people without any Harm." his sibling and sub-editor Das, a trustworthy, aids him.
Firstly, they intel and bares Raja Reddy, chair of Vaishnavi Bank, swindled hundreds of crores of depositors, including Bhagawan Raj, in the scam. Chandra clutches Patnaik, an acolyte of Bhagawan Raj, and turns him into his counterspy. Parallelly, an unknown double agent crosses the messages to Bhagawan Raj from Chandra's camp. Alongside, Vandana, the sister of Lingam Goud, likes Chandra without his knowledge and rags him via telephonic conversation. Anyhow, he detects her and falls in love. The next, Bhagawan Raj ruses assassinating the Chief Minister to lay hold of his seat. Chandra perceives it by Patnaik, terminates the dangerous violence, and accumulates evidence against Bhagawan Raj. Utilizing it, he coerces Bhagawan Raj to keep faith in his election words and spend his illicit gains on the public welfare.
As it is inescapable, Bhagawan Raj embarks on the tasks and acts according to Chandra. But unexpectedly, he gains great acclaim, which slowly reforms him. Moreover, his daughter Bindu is an ailed heart patient who has to panic when her father nears him. Meanwhile, Bhagawan Raj recognizes Patnaik as a traitor to his handler and slays him. Plus, he is aware of Chandra & Vandana's love affair. So, Bhagawan Raj plots to slaughter Chandra by Lingam Goud, which fails as Chandra also obtains proof against him. Therefore, he makes him a puppet and engages with Vandana. Subsequently, Bhagawan Raj deputes a wicked cop, Commissioner Kalyan, who warns him to give up the proofs. Then, Chandra decides to uncover the diabolic shade of Bhagawan Raj and assigns Abhi & Das to do the job.
As a flabbergast, Aparna unveils as Chandra's team's impostor. Since she avenges Chandrashekar, who is responsible for her family's death, through his paper, she has mingled with Bhagawan Raj to execute her aim of destroying Addam. Aparna kills Das and attains one of the proofs, but Abhi succeeds in getting another. Thus, Chandra starts printing. At the same time, Bindu becomes terminally ill, which recoups with the blessings and prayers of the public. The incident molds Bhagawan Raj into a complete man. However, he discovers that Chandra is going to break his true face. Forthwith, he rushes therein, and startled, he shoots and kill Aparna and rescues Chandra. At last, after soul-searching, Bhagawan Raj proclaims that he felt real happiness by serving people and attempts suicide. Chandra bars him and orders his men to stop printing. Finally, the movie ends with Chandra stating, Every Common Man wants a Leader like him.