The story starts in 1945, with Tetsu Ezure (played by Sayuri Yoshinaga) and her sons living in Sakharin. The Russian army invades, and Tetsu flees with her sons, while her husband (played by Abe Hiroshi) stays behind to fight. The family manage to flee to Hokkaido, and eventually settle in Abashiri. The plot then skips forward to 1971, and one of the sons, Shujiro (Masato Sakai) is now an executive at a US Multi National Hot Dog sales company.[2] While visiting Sapporo, he encounters his mother, from whom he had previously become estranged. His mother, now down on her luck, seeks his help. while he and his wife are reluctant to assist. The plot looks at the past of the family.[1]
Upon realising something is wrong with her, partially related to her post traumatic stress disorder, she leaves to go back to her original house in Abashii, however, it has been demolished. Shujiro, reaching out to his mother, accompanies her through the plains of Hokkaido, where they encounter stories of the past.[2][3]