Sana Farzeen of India Today gave two stars out of five and writes in her review ""Safed," Sandeep Singh's directorial debut, has a good intention, but it suffers from mediocre acting."[8] Vinamra Mathur of Firstpost said, "It's one of those rare films where the silence itself cries ham. The conversation doesn't benefit any of the communities the movie so proudly portrays, and the images fall short of enlivening the restrained."[9] Dhaval Roy of The Times of India gave 2 stars out of 5 and writes in his review that although Safed's idea seems sound on paper, it is not well executed. A thoughtful idea becomes more sensational than delicate, and the over-dramatization diminishes its effect.[10] Toshiro Agarwal of Times Now criticizes the film and said, "In his directing debut, Sandeep Singh explores marginalized lives via Kaali's unanticipated romance with Chaandi. The film receives a meager 1.5 stars because of its forced speech and unexpressed emotions, despite its decent intentions."[11] A reviewer from OTT Play writes, "For those who enjoy seeing experimental films, "Safed" is a good choice. However, it is still true that modern moviegoers would rather see a heroine dressed in a contemporary chiffon sari than a "safed" saree (if you know what we mean!).[12] Writing for Rediff, Mayur Sanap gave one star and opined, "Safed is a lame attempt at social commentary, with terribly dull and thoughtless direction".[13]
^"Safed". Times of India. 29 December 2023. Retrieved 30 December 2023.