The film begins with a millionaire, Raghu, who leads a delightful life with his wife, Sarala, & a son. Raghu has a younger Raja who fled from the house in childhood by admitting Raghu's misdeeds. He is currently a pick-pocket with an acolyte, Miriyalu, and falls for a street dancer, Rani. Once Raghu visits the branch office, his malicious Manager, Madhu, entangles him with Manorama and habituates all sorts of vices. From there, he neglects his family and quits them. At that point, Raja snatches Raghu's pocket, and he notices their childhood photo with Raghu's marriage photo and comprehends the fact. Anyhow, Raghu refuses to accept him to evade the share. Eventually, Raja encounters and recognizes Sarala, who shelters them being unbeknownst. Madhu lusts for Rani, viewing her dance, bribes her father, Tata, and fabricates Raja & Sarala's relationship. Tata mortifies them when Raja divulges the truth and decides to reform his brother. Hence, he joins Sarala as a maid in Raghu's home. Parallelly, Rani loathes Raja, learning his profession when he surrenders as a penance. Before leaving, he entrusts Sarala's responsibility to Miriyalu & Rani. Meanwhile, Madhu & Manorama swindle Raghu, whom Miriyalu & Rani bar. Hereupon, Madhu locks Rani in Raghu's room. However, Miriyalu apprehends them by the Police. Besides, Tata acquits Raja on bail, who rushes to Raghu when he seeks to kill him while molesting Rani as an alcoholic, but Sarala hinders him. At last, regretful Raghu pleads pardon. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the marriage of Raja & Rani.