Rossini's Ghost is a 1996 HBO Original Film produced and directed by David Devine, with co-production by Richard Mozer.
The story centers around Gioachino Rossini, a composer whose friends never lose faith in him—even when things go wrong. A 9-year-old girl travels back in time through a magic mirror to be his invisible assistant, overcoming the disastrous opening night of The Barber of Seville to give the world one of its most beloved operas.[1]
The film was released on DVD and has been watched in over 100 countries on television. The film and its corresponding Teacher's Guide is used in numerous U.S. elementary and middle schools by music teachers for music classes. Rossini's Ghost was the seventh of seven films made for HBO for the 7- to 14-year-old set, introducing them to the joys and the wonders of classical music and their composers.