The Rosenthal locality includes the Nordend (North End) neighborhood.
Every year the people of Rosenthal celebrate the Rosenthaler Herbst (Rosenthal Autumn[3]), which is completely organised by the "Bürgerverein Dorf Rosenthal e. V.", a registered, non-commercial and non-profit citizens' organisation.[4] Most of the meetings and conference are held at the old restaurant Dittmann's. It is the only traditional restaurant that is left in Rosenthal and lasted for over 120 years since 1892. It was founded by Wilhelm Dittmann.[5]
From 1901–1903 Master mason Schreiber build a house that was supposed to be used as a school at the Hauptstraße 94;[5]. Since 1990 it is being used as a youth club called "Landhaus Berlin-Rosenthal".[6]