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Dalam nama Tionghoa ini, nama keluarganya adalah Ni. Ni YulanLahir24 Maret 1960 (umur 63)Beijing, TiongkokDikenal atasadvokasi HAMSuami/istriDong Jiqin (董继勤)AnakDong Xuan (董璇, putri) Ni Yulan Hanzi tradisional: 倪玉蘭 Hanzi sederhana: 倪玉兰 Alih aksara Mandarin - Hanyu Pinyin: Ní Yùlán Ni Yulan (Hanzi: 倪玉兰, lahir 24 Maret 1960) adalah seorang pengacara hak sipil di Republik Rakyat Tiongkok. Ia mengabdikan diri dalam membela HAM di Tiongkok dengan memberikan ...

Charles E. Nash Charles Edmund Nash (23 Mei 1844 – 21 Juni 1913) adalah seorang politikus Amerika Serikat yang menjalani masa jabatan dua tahun tunggal sebagai anggota Partai Republik dalam DPR mewakili Louisiana. Ia adalah anggota Kongres Afrika Amerika Louisiana pertama dan masih menjadi satu-satunya anggota DPR kulit hitam dari negara bagian tersebut selama lebih dari seabad — sampai 1991, ketika William J. Jefferson mulai menjabat.[1] Referensi ^ Murray, Shailagh...

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Philosophical and social movement This article may rely excessively on sources too closely associated with the subject, potentially preventing the article from being verifiable and neutral. Please help improve it by replacing them with more appropriate citations to reliable, independent, third-party sources. (September 2023) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Effective altruism (EA) is a 21st-century philosophical and social movement that advocates using evidence and reason ...

Not to be confused with KNDU or WUND-TV. NBC affiliate in South Bend, Indiana WNDU-TVSouth Bend–Elkhart, IndianaUnited StatesCitySouth Bend, IndianaChannelsDigital: 27 (UHF)Virtual: 16BrandingWNDU 16; 16 News NowProgrammingAffiliations16.1: NBCfor others, see § SubchannelsOwnershipOwnerGray Television(Gray Television Licensee, LLC)Sister stationsWSJVHistoryFirst air dateJuly 15, 1955 (68 years ago) (1955-07-15)Former channel number(s)Analog: 46 (UHF, 1955–1957), 16 (U...

James W. ChristyJames Christy (kiri) dan Robert Harrington pada 1978.Lahir15 September 1938 (umur 85)Milwaukee, Wisconsin, A.S.KebangsaanAmerikaAlmamaterUniversitas ArizonaKarier ilmiahBidangAstronomi, astrometriInstitusiObservatorium Angkatan Laut Amerika SerikatHughes Missile Systems James Walter Jim Christy (kelahiran 15 September 1938) adalah seorang astronom Amerika. Christy lahir pada 1938 di Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Ia masuk Universitas Arizona dan meraih gelar Sarjana Ilmu Pengetah...

Julie Brown Nazionalità Stati Uniti GenereMusica demenzialePop Periodo di attività musicale1983 – in attività Strumentovoce EtichettaRhino Album pubblicati3 Sito ufficiale Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale Julie Ann Brown (Van Nuys, 31 agosto 1958[1]) è un'attrice, cantante e sceneggiatrice statunitense. Negli anni ottanta si è fatta conoscere come attrice comica, nei ruoli di ragazza superficiale o in satire indirizzate verso cantanti (come Mado...

Luigi EinaudiRitratto ufficiale, 1948 2º Presidente della Repubblica ItalianaDurata mandato12 maggio 1948 –11 maggio 1955 Capo del governoAlcide De GasperiGiuseppe PellaAmintore FanfaniMario Scelba PredecessoreEnrico De Nicola SuccessoreGiovanni Gronchi Ministro del bilancioDurata mandato6 giugno 1947 –24 maggio 1948 PresidenteAlcide De Gasperi SuccessoreGiuseppe Pella Vicepresidente del Consiglio dei ministriDurata mandato1º giugno 1947 –24 m...

PolyusDiagram dari wahana antariksa PolyusJenis misiTeknologi militerDurasi misiKegagalan wahana antariksa Properti wahanaMassa luncur80,000 kilogram (180,000 pon)Dimensi37 m × 4.10 m Awal misiTanggal luncur15 Mei 1987Roket peluncurEnergiaTempat peluncuranBaikonur 250 Parameter orbitSistem rujukanOrbit geosentrisSistem orbitOrbit Bumi rendahKetinggian perigee280 km (170 mil)Ketinggian apoogee280 km (170 mil)Inklinasi64° Satelit Polyus diangkat oleh roket Energia. Wahana Antariksa Pol...

Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Desember 2023. Untuk orang lain dengan nama yang sama, lihat Peter Lee. Peter Lee (lahir 30 November 1960) adalah seorang ilmuwan komputer Amerika. Ia adalah Wakil Presiden Korporat, Kepala Microsoft Research.[1] Sebelumnya, ia menjadi kepala Kantor Teknolog...

2010 studio album by Kid CudiMan on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. RagerStudio album by Kid CudiReleasedNovember 9, 2010 (2010-11-09)Recorded2009–2010Studio Avex (Honolulu) The Broski Room Electric Lady Germano MSR Scott's Crib (New York City) Circle House (Miami) Glenwood Place (Burbank) Larrabee Paramount Record Plant (Los Angeles) NightBird Westlake Sound (West Hollywood) Parkland Playhouse (Parkland) Genre Alternative hip hop neo-psychedelia progressive rap[1...

Medical conditionAfrican tick bite feverLeg lesion from a Rickettsia africae infectionSpecialtyInfectious diseaseSymptomsFever, headache, muscles pains, rash[1]ComplicationsRare (joint inflammation)[2][3]Usual onset4–10 days after the bite[4]CausesRickettsia africae spread by ticks[2]Diagnostic methodBased on symptoms, confirmed by culture, PCR, or immunofluorescence[3][2]PreventionAvoiding tick bites[1]MedicationDoxycycline, c...

Not to be confused with Ecologist Greens. This article may rely excessively on sources too closely associated with the subject, potentially preventing the article from being verifiable and neutral. Please help improve it by replacing them with more appropriate citations to reliable, independent, third-party sources. (April 2012) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Political party in Greece Ecologist of Greece Οικολόγοι ΕλλάδαςFounded1988Headquarters57 Panepistimiou...

U.S. health insurance coverage estimate for 2019. CBO estimated ACA/Obamacare was responsible for 22 million persons covered via exchanges and Medicaid expansion.[1][2] This article is part of a series onHealthcare reform in theUnited States History Debate Legislation Preceding Social Security Amendments of 1965 EMTALA (1986) HIPAA (1996) Medicare Modernization Act (2003) PSQIA (2005) Superseded Affordable Health Care for America (H.R. 3962) America's Affordable Health Choice...

It has been suggested that this article should be split into a new article titled List of villages in NTR district. (discuss) (February 2024) Krishna district is located in the Coastal Andhra region of the state of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The villages in the district are administered in 50 mandals.[1][2] Krishna district in Andhra Pradesh Mandal wise villages As of 2011[update] census of India, the following are the villages in their respective mandals of K...

Le informazioni riportate non sono consigli medici e potrebbero non essere accurate. I contenuti hanno solo fine illustrativo e non sostituiscono il parere medico: leggi le avvertenze. Angina pectorisZona in cui si percepisce il doloreSpecialitàcardiologia Classificazione e risorse esterne (EN)ICD-9-CM413 ICD-10I20 MeSHD000787 MedlinePlus000198, 000201 e 001107 eMedicine150215 SinonimiDolore retrosternale Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale L'angina pectoris è un dolore al torace...

Sporting event delegationBolivia at theOlympicsIOC codeBOLNOCBolivian Olympic (in Spanish)Medals Gold 0 Silver 0 Bronze 0 Total 0 Summer appearances19361948–19601964196819721976198019841988199219962000200420082012201620202024Winter appearances19561960–197619801984198819921994–201420182022 Bolivia made its debut appearances at the eleventh edition of the Summer Olympic Games (1936) and the seventh edition of the Winter Olympic Games...

La Sepultura Biosphere ReserveIUCN category Ia (strict nature reserve)– core zone only[1]La Sepultura mountainLocationChiapas, MexicoCoordinates16°17′37″N 93°45′47″W / 16.29361°N 93.76306°W / 16.29361; -93.76306Area1,673.1 km2 (646.0 sq mi)DesignationUNESCO-MAB Biosphere ReserveDesignated1995 (national) 2006 (international)AdministratorNational Commission of Natural Protected Areas La Sepultura is a biosphere reserve in southern Mex...