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Dengeki G's ComicGambar sampul edisi bulan Juni 2014 dari Dengeki G's Comic menampilkan Honoka Kōsaka dari Love Live!.KategoriManga seinenFrekuensiBulananPenerbitASCII Media WorksTerbitan pertama9 Agustus 2012 (digital)30 April 2014 (cetak)NegaraJepangBahasaJepangSitus webDengeki G's Comic Dengeki G's Comic (電撃G'sコミックcode: ja is deprecated , Dengeki Jīzu Komikku) adalah sebuah majalah manga seinen yang diterbitkan oleh ASCII Media Works. Majalah ini pertama kali diterbitkan ...

BBC Radio 2Logo sejak 2022KotaLondon dan ManchesterWilayah siarBritania Raya dan International via Satelit dan BBC SoundsMulai mengudara30 September 1967; 56 tahun lalu (1967-09-30)FormatAdult contemporary musicVarious specialist musik programBahasaInggrisKode panggil sebelumnyaBBC Light ProgrammeFrekuensi sebelumnya200 kHz (1967–1978)909 kHz (1978–1990)PemilikBBCStasiun kembarBBC Radio 6 MusicSiaran webBBC SoundsSitus BBC Radio 2 adalah stasiun radio nasional...

Keuskupan BelgaumDioecesis Belgaumensisಬೆಳಗಾವಿ ಧರ್ಮಕ್ಷೇತ್ರKatedral BelgaumLokasiNegara IndiaProvinsi gerejawiBangaloreMetropolitBangaloreStatistikLuas33.747 km2 (13.030 sq mi)Populasi- Total- Katolik(per 2012)10.736.00030,512 (0.3%)Paroki67InformasiRitusRitus LatinKatedralKatedral Maria Bunda Rosario Keluarga Fatima di BelgaumKepemimpinan kiniPausFransiskusUskupLowongUskup agungPeter MachadoSitus webSitus Web Keuskupa...

статуя Ангероны во дворце Шёнбрунн в Вене. Ангеро́на (лат. Angerona или Angeronia) — в римской мифологии богиня, изображавшаяся с прижатым к губам пальцем. Её значение было неясно самим древним римлянам. Ангерону связывали с манами, таинственными силами, утешением в горе, исц...

Culinary traditions of Austria Part of a series on theCulture of Austria History People Languages Mythology and folklore Mythology folklore Cuisine Festivals Religion Art Literature Music and performing arts Music Media Radio Television Cinema Sport Monuments World Heritage Sites Symbols Flag Coat of arms Austria portalvte Austrian cuisine is a style of cuisine native to Austria and composed of influences from Central Europe and throughout the former Austro-Hungarian Empire.[1...

Floating instrument package that collects weather and ocean data Weather buoy operated by the National Data Buoy Center Weather buoys are instruments which collect weather and ocean data within the world's oceans, as well as aid during emergency response to chemical spills, legal proceedings, and engineering design. Moored buoys have been in use since 1951, while drifting buoys have been used since 1979. Moored buoys are connected with the ocean bottom using either chains, nylon, or buoyant p...

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Mediolanum (homonymie). Mediolanum TEE Mediolanum 1957 Symbole des TEE de l'étoile de Milan, une automotrice Breda ALn 442-448 qui assura le service du Mediolanum entre 1957 et 1969 Type Trans Europ Express (TEE) (1957–1984) InterCity (IC) (1984–1987), (2001–2004) EuroCity (EC) (2004–) Pays Italie / Autriche / Allemagne / Suisse Départ Milano Centrale Terminus München Hbf / Basel SBB Itinéraire Brenner / Gotthard Exploitant Ferrovie dello Stato /...

سوني إريكسون إكسبيريا إكس 8معلومات عامةالنوع هاتف ذكي الصانع سوني موبايل كوميونيكيشنزعائلة المنتج Sony Xperia (en) موقع الويب… (الإنجليزية) أهم التواريختاريخ الإصدار 2010الوظائفالشاشة شاشة لمس إل سي ديالإدخال شاشة لمس، مقياس تسارع، جي بي إس مساعد، مقياس المغناطيسية، بو...

烏克蘭總理Прем'єр-міністр України烏克蘭國徽現任杰尼斯·什米加尔自2020年3月4日任命者烏克蘭總統任期總統任命首任維托爾德·福金设立1991年11月后继职位無网站英文) 乌克兰 乌克兰政府与政治系列条目 宪法 政府 总统 弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基 總統辦公室 国家安全与国防事务委员会 总统代表(英语:Representatives of the President of Ukraine) 总...

密西西比州 哥伦布城市綽號:Possum Town哥伦布位于密西西比州的位置坐标:33°30′06″N 88°24′54″W / 33.501666666667°N 88.415°W / 33.501666666667; -88.415国家 美國州密西西比州县朗兹县始建于1821年政府 • 市长罗伯特·史密斯 (民主党)面积 • 总计22.3 平方英里(57.8 平方公里) • 陸地21.4 平方英里(55.5 平方公里) • ...

本表是動態列表,或許永遠不會完結。歡迎您參考可靠來源來查漏補缺。 潛伏於中華民國國軍中的中共間諜列表收錄根據公開資料來源,曾潛伏於中華民國國軍、被中國共產黨聲稱或承認,或者遭中華民國政府調查審判,為中華人民共和國和中國人民解放軍進行間諜行為的人物。以下列表以現今可查知時間為準,正確的間諜活動或洩漏機密時間可能早於或晚於以下所歸�...

Segmented regression softwareScreenshot of graphics tab sheetDeveloper(s)Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI)Written inDelphiOperating systemMicrosoft WindowsAvailable inEnglishTypeStatistical softwareLicenseProprietary FreewareWebsiteSegReg In statistics and data analysis, the application software SegReg is a free and user-friendly tool for linear segmented regression analysis to determine the breakpoint where the relation between the dependent variable and the independent v...

Sweden-related events during the year of 1777 Years in Sweden: 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 Centuries: 17th century · 18th century · 19th century Decades: 1740s 1750s 1760s 1770s 1780s 1790s 1800s Years: 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 Events from the year 1777 in Sweden Incumbents Monarch – Gustav III Events 7 June - Gustav III visit Catherine the Great in Russia...
هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (ديسمبر 2015) سيارة أجرة من نوع فورد كراون فيكتوريا في مدينة نيويورك. سيارة أجرة من نوع تويوتا بريوس في مدينة نيويورك. تعتبر سيارات الأجرة في الولايات المتحدة من أهم وسائ�...

Untuk album 2006, lihat Cataract (band). KingdomAlbum studio karya Kumi KodaDirilis30 Januari 2008DirekamJepangGenrePop, R&B , RockLabelRhythm ZoneProduserKumi KodaKronologi Kumi Koda Best: Bounce & Lovers(2007)Best: Bounce & Lovers2007 Kingdom (2008) Trick (2009)Trick2009 Singel dalam album Kingdom But/AishōDirilis: 14 Maret 2007 FreakyDirilis: 27 Juni 2007 Ai no UtaDirilis: 12 September 2007 Last Angel feat. TohoshinkiDirilis: 7 November 2007 AnytimeDirilis: 23 Januari 2008...

Philadelphia 76ersStagione 2014-2015Sport pallacanestro Squadra Philadelphia 76ers AllenatoreBrett Brown Vice-allenatoriChad Iske, Lloyd Pierce, Billy Lange NBA18-64 (22,0%)Division: 4º posto (Atlantic)Conference: 14º posto (Eastern) Playoffnon qualificata StadioWells Fargo Center 2013-2014 2015-2016 La stagione 2014-15 dei Philadelphia 76ers fu la 66ª nella NBA per la franchigia. I Philadelphia 76ers arrivarono quarti nella Atlantic Division della Eastern Conference con un record di ...

Untuk film Disney dengan judul dan hasil adaptasi yang sama tahun 2017, lihat Beauty and the Beast (film 2017). Beauty and the BeastPoster layar lebar karya John Alvin[1]SutradaraGary TrousdaleKirk WiseProduserDon HahnDitulis olehLinda WoolvertonPemeranPaige O'HaraRobby BensonRichard WhiteJerry OrbachAngela LansburyDavid Ogden StiersNaratorDavid Ogden StiersPenata musikAlan Menken Howard AshmanDistributorWalt Disney PicturesTanggal rilis22 November 1991DurasiAsli:84 menitEdisi k...

Chronologies Données clés 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871Décennies :1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890Siècles :XVIIe XVIIIe XIXe XXe XXIeMillénaires :-Ier Ier IIe IIIe Chronologies géographiques Afrique Afrique du Sud, Algérie, Angola, Bénin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Cap-Vert, République centrafricaine, Comores, République du Congo, République démocratique du Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Égyp...

Voce principale: Unione Sportiva Città di Pontedera. Unione Sportiva PontederaStagione 1995-1996Sport calcio Squadra Pontedera Allenatore Rino Lavezzini poi Giovanni Mei Presidente Luciano Barachini (amministratore unico) Serie C210º posto nel girone B. Maggiori presenzeCampionato: Bertelli, Rocchini (32) Miglior marcatoreCampionato: Bagnoli (11) 1994-1995 1996-1997 Si invita a seguire il modello di voce Questa voce raccoglie le informazioni riguardanti l'Unione Sportiva Pontedera nel...

伍迪艾倫獲獎與提名名單 Woody Allen 獎項 獲獎 提名 奧斯卡金像獎 5 24 英國電影學院獎 9 22 金球獎 2 13 伍迪·艾倫獲獎與提名列表是紀錄伍迪·艾倫在他漫长的电影生涯中所获得的荣誉与奖项,涵盖各大电影节与颁奖典礼。[1] 西班牙城市奥维耶多为伍迪·艾伦竖立的等身雕像 1978年,艾伦的短篇小说《库格麦斯插曲》[2](The Kugelmass Episode)获得了欧·亨利奖。《库格...