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Satish KaushikKaushik pada 2017LahirSatish Chandra Kaushik(1956-04-13)13 April 1956Mahendragarh, Haryana, IndiaMeninggal09 Maret 2023Gurgaon, Haryana, IndiaAlmamater Kirori Mal College, Delhi University National School of Drama Film and Television Institute of India PekerjaanAktorpembuat filmpenulis skenariokomedianTahun aktif1982–2023Suami/istriShashi Kaushik ​(m. 1985)​Anak2 Satish Chandra Kaushik (13 April 1956 – 9 Maret 2023) adalah seo...



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This is a list of places on the Victorian Heritage Register in the City of Maribyrnong in Victoria, Australia. The Victorian Heritage Register is maintained by the Heritage Council of Victoria. The Victorian Heritage Register, as of 2020, lists the following 22 state-registered places within the City of Maribyrnong:[1] Place name Place # Location Suburb or Town Co-ordinates Built Stateregistered Photo Barkly Theatre H0878 277-287 Barkly St Footscray 37°47′58″S 144°53′41″E&#...



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Overview of the education in Western Australia Old Perth Technical School, the venue for the first tertiary educational activity in the state.[1] Education in Western Australia consists of public and private schools in the state of Western Australia, including public and private universities and TAFE colleges. Public school education is supervised by the Department of Education,[2] which forms part of the Government of Western Australia. The School Curriculum and Standards Au...



Ne doit pas être confondu avec Lifetime (chaîne de télévision canadienne). LifetimeCaractéristiquesCréation 1er février 1984Propriétaire Lifetime Entertainment, The Walt Disney CompanyFormat d'image 480i (SDTV), 1080i (HDTV)Langue AnglaisPays États-UnisStatut Thématique nationale privéeSiège social New YorkAncien nom Daytime (1982–1984) Cable Health Network (1982–1984)Site web www.mylifetime.comDiffusionAire États-UnisDiffusion Satellite, câble et IPTV.modifier - modifier l...




  此條目介紹的是拉丁字母中的第2个字母。关于其他用法,请见「B (消歧义)」。   提示:此条目页的主题不是希腊字母Β、西里尔字母В、Б、Ъ、Ь或德语字母ẞ、ß。 BB b(见下)用法書寫系統拉丁字母英文字母ISO基本拉丁字母(英语:ISO basic Latin alphabet)类型全音素文字相关所属語言拉丁语读音方法 [b][p][ɓ](适应变体)Unicode编码U+0042, U+0062字母顺位2数值 2歷史發...

Genus of trees This article is about the genus of trees. For the North American species of tree, see Sassafras albidum. For other uses, see Sassafras (disambiguation). Sassafras Sassafras albidum, Norfolk Botanical Garden Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Clade: Tracheophytes Clade: Angiosperms Clade: Magnoliids Order: Laurales Family: Lauraceae Genus: SassafrasJ.Presl[1] Species Sassafras albidum †Sassafras hesperia Sassafras randaiense Sassafras tzumu †Sassafras yabei S...



Budhy Setiawan Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik IndonesiaPetahanaMulai menjabat 1 Oktober 2019PresidenJoko WidodoDaerah pemilihanJawa Barat III Informasi pribadiLahir22 Maret 1967 (umur 57)Kota Bogor, Jawa BaratPartai politikGolkarSuami/istriYongki CahyaningrumAnakNazneen Alya SharmaineAlma materInstitut Pertanian Bogor Universitas PadjadjaranSunting kotak info • L • B Budhy Setiawan (lahir 22 Maret 1967) adalah seorang politisi dari Partai Golongan Karya. Saat ...



George Bibb CrittendenNascitaRussellville, 20 marzo 1812 MorteDanville, 27 novembre 1880 Dati militariPaese servito Stati UnitiRepubblica del Texas Stati Confederati d'America Forza armataUnited States ArmyTexas ArmyConfederate States Army Anni di servizio1832–1833; 1846–1861 (USA)1842–1843 (Texas)1861–1865 (CSA) GradoTenente colonnello (USA)Maggior generale BattaglieGuerra di Falco NeroGuerra messico-statunitense Battaglia di Contreras Battaglia di Churubusco G...

NASA satellite of the Explorer program Not to be confused with XPoSat. Imaging X-ray Polarimetry ExplorerIXPE satellite, on the top are its three identical X-ray optics elements, the sensors are on the bottom.NamesExplorer 97IXPESMEX-14Mission typeX-ray astronomy satelliteOperatorNASA, ASICOSPAR ID2021-121A SATCAT duration5 years (planned)2 years, 4 months and 25 days (in progress) Spacecraft propertiesSpacecraftExplorer XCVII...



Medical conditionKeratosis linearis with ichthyosis congenita and sclerosing keratoderma syndromeThis condition is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.SpecialtyDermatologyCausesDeletion in the POMP gene Keratosis linearis with ichthyosis congenita and sclerosing keratoderma syndrome (KLICK syndrome) is a rare cutaneous condition characterized by ichthyosis and keratoderma.[1][2] It is an autosomal recessive disorder associated with a deletion in the transcription gene P...



Сельское поселение России (МО 2-го уровня)Новотитаровское сельское поселение Флаг[d] Герб 45°14′09″ с. ш. 38°58′16″ в. д.HGЯO Страна  Россия Субъект РФ Краснодарский край Район Динской Включает 4 населённых пункта Адм. центр Новотитаровская Глава сельского пос�...

Kamboja padaOlimpiadeBendera KambojaKode IOCCAMKONKomite Olimpiade Nasional KambojaSitus (dalam bahasa tidak diketahui)Medali 0 0 0 Total 0 Penampilan Musim Panas195619601964196819721976–19921996200020042008201220162020 Kamboja berkompetisi dalam sembilan Olimpiade Musim Panas. Negara tersebut tak pernah memenangkan sebuah Medali Olimpiade.[1] Negara tersebut tak pernah tampil dalam Olimpiade Musim Dingin. Referensi ^ Cambodia. SR/Olympic Sports...



Kabupaten Toraja UtaraKabupatenTongkonan di Palawa LambangMotto: Misa' Kada di Po Tuo Pantan Kada di Pomatee(Toraja) Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuhPetaKabupaten Toraja UtaraPetaTampilkan peta SulawesiKabupaten Toraja UtaraKabupaten Toraja Utara (Indonesia)Tampilkan peta IndonesiaKoordinat: 3°S 120°E / 3°S 120°E / -3; 120Negara IndonesiaProvinsiSulawesi SelatanTanggal berdiri26 November 2008Dasar hukumUU No 28 Tahun 2008Ibu kotaRantepaoJumlah sat...



Lambang Peta Data dasar Negara bagian: Schleswig-Holstein Status: Kreisfreie Stadt Ketinggian: 13 meter di atas permukaan laut Wilayah: 214,14 km² Penduduk: 213.983 (31 Desember 2005) Kepadatan penduduk: 990 jiwa per km² Pengangguran: 15 % Juni 2006 Kode pos: 23501–23570 (lama: 2400) Kode telepon: 0451 dan 04502 Pelat nomor kendaraan bermotor: HL Pembagian administratif: 10 bagian kota35 Stadtbezirken Alamatbalai kota: Breite Straße 6223539 Lübeck Situs web resmi: P...

Branch of anthropology Some of this article's listed sources may not be reliable. Please help improve this article by looking for better, more reliable sources. Unreliable citations may be challenged and removed. (November 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Sociocultural anthropology is a term used to refer to social anthropology and cultural anthropology together. It is one of the four main branches of anthropology. Sociocultural anthropologists focus on the study of society a...



Juzo ItamiNama asal伊丹 十三LahirYoshihiro Ikeuchi (池内 義弘code: ja is deprecated )(1933-05-15)15 Mei 1933Kyoto, JepangMeninggal20 Desember 1997(1997-12-20) (umur 64)Tokyo, JepangPekerjaanSutradara, penulis naskah, pemeranTahun aktif1960–1997Suami/istriKazuko Kawakita (1960–66)Nobuko Miyamoto (1969–1997) Juzo Itami (伊丹 十三code: ja is deprecated , Itami Jūzō), nama lahir Yoshihiro Ikeuchi (池内 義弘code: ja is deprecated , Ikeuchi Yoshihiro, 15 Mei ...