Retrograde is an Australian narrative comedy series which first screened on the ABC in July 2020. It follows the lives of a group of thirty-something friends as they drown their sorrows at a virtual bar during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia.[1]
Retrograde is a six part series created by Mark O'Toole and Meg O'Connell and is directed by Natalie Bailey. The executive producer is Kurt Royan and producers are Meg O'Connell, Dan Lake, and Jackson Lapsley Scott. It is an Unless Pictures & Orange Entertainment Co production for the ABC.[citation needed]
The series was conceived of in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, when O'Connell helped organise a virtual bar similar to the one featured in the show. She and Scott then pitched the idea to Que Minh Luu less than a week later, and the show began production.[2]
The show was shot remotely via a series of Zoom calls between the producers, crew, and actors.[2] Filming started in mid-June, just three weeks before its 8 July debut.[3]