The manifesto was largely written by members of the League for Social Reconstruction, particularly Frank Underhill[5] and F. R. Scott,[6][7] and called for "a planned and socialized economy in which our natural resources and principal means of production and distribution are owned, controlled and operated by the people."[8] Specifically it called for the nationalization of transportation, communications, electrical power and other services.[9] It called for a planned economy and a national banking system that would be "removed from the control of private profit-seeking interests."[10] It advocated the ability to organize in trade unions and called for a National Labour Code "to secure for the worker maximum income and leisure, insurance covering illness, accident, old age, and unemployment".[11] The Regina Manifesto proposed social service programs such as publicly funded health care, supported peace, promoted co-operative enterprises,[12] and vowed that "No C.C.F. Government will rest content until it has eradicated capitalism and put into operation the full programme of socialized planning which will lead to the establishment in Canada of the Cooperative Commonwealth."[13]
The Regina Manifesto remained the CCF's official programme until 1956 when, in the face of the strong anti-communist sentiment of the Cold War, it was replaced by the more moderate Winnipeg Declaration[14] which substituted Keynesian economics for socialist remedies.