The Red Men Hall, later known as Century Hall, is a historic four-story building located in Reading, Pennsylvania.
Red Men
The building originally served as a meeting place for the local lodge or "wigwam" of the Improved Order of Red Men. The Red Men are a fraternal organization which imitate perceived Native American customs.[2] However, this location consisted exclusively of German Americans.[3] The organization had numerous chapters in Pennsylvania beginning in the nineteenth century.[4]
Constructed by the Red Men in 1900, the four-story brick facade building displays American Craftsman style architectural designs with Renaissance Revival elements, and includes decorative tiles by Henry Chapman Mercer. Later, the structure served as a rental hall called Century Hall, capitalizing on the building being built at the turn of the century.[5]
The National Register of Historic Places added the structure in 2000. The building now consists of 15 low-income senior housing units.[6]
See also
GoggleWorks: Another Reading building designed by the Muhlenberg Brothers