Ray Donovan: The Movie is an American crime drama television film directed by David Hollander, who co-wrote it with Liev Schreiber. It is the follow-up to the seventh and final season of the television series of the same name, which aired its final episode in 2020. It centers on the title character, portrayed by Schreiber, and the relationships with his family, including brothers Terry, Bunchy and Daryll, played by Eddie Marsan, Dash Mihok and Pooch Hall, respectively.
Following from the events of the season 7 finale, Mickey (Jon Voight) is on the run, and Ray (Liev Schreiber) is determined to find and stop him before he can cause any more damage to his family and friends.[2]
In 2020, Showtime abruptly announced that season 7 of Ray Donovan would be the end of the series. Fans of the show petitioned for a follow-up to be written after the final season left many questions unanswered.[4] On February 12, 2020, Liev Schreiber wrote on his Instagram, "It seems your voices have been heard. Too soon to say how or when, but with a little luck and your continued support, there will be more Ray Donovan."[5][6] Following the announcement of a television film follow-up, in 2021, Showtime's President of Entertainment Gary Levine stated that the audience would be satisfied with the ending of the film, admitting "we did hear from fans, and we are nothing if not responsive to our audience. I think this Ray Donovan two-hour movie will go a long way to making that landing more graceful."[7]
Kerris Dorsey received an honorable mention for TVLine's Performer of the Week ending on January 15, 2022.[12]
Critical response
On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, 81% of 16 critics' reviews are positive, with an average rating of 6.4/10. The website's consensus reads: "If Ray Donovan: The Movie doesn't accomplish everything that a proper final season could have achieved, it nevertheless satisfies with a prologue and epilogue to the fixer's family woes." [13]