Ras Muari is part of a 25-kilometer coastal belt of rocky and sandy beaches between Mubarak and Yousuf Goth (Pacha). This part of the coast is property of Sindh Revenue Department. Considered a habitat for endangered whale, dolphin, and turtle species, Ras Muari is also a hatching and feeding ground for turtles. In addition, the coastline has a multitude of offshore fish nurseries.
The Cape Monze lighthouse was constructed in 1914.[5] Active; focal plane 49 m (161 ft); two white flashes every 10 s. 48 m (157 ft) round concrete tower. The seaward side of the tower is painted with black and white horizontal bands; the land side is unpainted. Original 2nd order Fresnel lens in use. Several keeper's houses and other light station buildings.