Ranganayaka is a 2024 Indian Kannada language political satire film directed by Guruprasad who made his final film before his death in November 2024. The film stars himself, Jaggesh and Rachitha Mahalakshmi in lead roles. The film revolves around a filmmaker who learns about his past life in which he attempted to make the first ever Kannada film.[1]
Ranganayaka was released on 8 March 2024.[2] The film opened with highly negative reviews from critics as well as audience.[3] It was a box office bomb
Sridevi S of Times of India gave 2.5/5 stars and wrote "Overall, this is a huge disappointment coming from the pair that gave Matha and Eddelu Manjunatha, both cult classics in their own right."[4] A.Sharadhaa of The New Indian Express rated 2.5/5 stars and wrote "While Ranganayaka may not soar as high as its predecessors, it still delivers enough entertainment for viewers to relish, albeit tinged with a hint of disappointment.
"[5] Shashiprasad S.M. of Times Now gave 2.5/5 stars and wrote "Ranganayaka is disappointing when one compares it to the impressive Mata and Eddelu Manjunatha but it is still good enough for audiences to enjoy."[6] M.V Vivek of The Hindu wrote "'Ranganayaka', a comedy drama, attempts to pay tribute to Kannada cinema, but there is no meat in the story and the treatment feels too familiar."[7]
The film was also reviewed by Udayavani,[8]Vijay Karnataka,[9]Kannada Prabha,[10] and Hindustan Times.[11]