The film begins with an ideal couple, Master & Seeta, who live alone on an island in the river Godavari. They foster a kid, Kisthaiah, and decide to adopt him legally. During that time, Sankaram, the father of Kisthaiah, returns when the couple is forced to narrate the past. A few years ago, there used to live a courteous girl named Rajeswari in the neighboring village, the daughter of Zamindar Venkat Naidu, crippled. Exploiting it, Rajeswari's vicious shrew stepmother Bhavani manipulates by acquiring authority and subjecting Rajeswari to hardships. In that plight, the cheer-up for her is amity with Master & Seeta. Following, Sankaram arrives as a veterinary doctor in the village and falls in love with Rajeswari. Knowing this, Bhavani's torture of Rajeswari reaxhes its peak when Master proposes to Venkat Naidu. Here, shockingly, Bhavani reveals that Rajeswari is already married and she is a widow. Bhavani's ruse knitted Rajeswari with her debauch brother in childhood. Whereat, furious Venkat Naidu, unfortunately, kills the bridegroom, which makes him paralyzed and compelled to surrender to his wife. Right now, Master mettle against the village couples up Rajeswari with Sankaram and starts residing on the island. Time passes, and Rajeswari conceives, which inflames Bhavani, and wiles to knock out when to penalize her Venkat Naidu commits suicide. The incident blows up Bhavani's avenge and intrigues Sankaram & Rajeswari to slaughter. In the attack, Rajeswari dies, giving birth to Kisthaiah, and Sankaram is badly wounded, loses his memory, and is declared dead. At present, Sankaram decides to accompany the child, which Seeta denies. Due to the blossoming affection for him, Master convinces her. At last, they hand over the child to Sankaram. Finally, the movie ends with the elderly couple continuing their life journey.