Sunayana Suresh of The Times of India scored the film at 2 out of 5 stars and says "given that this was a tribute film in many ways, one feels let down, as the matinee idol's name is dragged in a film that otherwise would be just another normal commercial potboiler. Though, do give it a try if you like old school masala films."[8] A Sharadhha of The New Indian Express scored the film at 2 out of 5 stars and says "Time and again, attempts have been made to bring back legends on screen with little success, and Rajasimha is just another film to join the bandwagon."[9]Vijaya Karnataka scored the film at 2 out of 5 stars and wrote "Experienced artists are directors who have used Tara, but have not used them properly. Suddenly the songs, laughter and comedy scenes have made Raja Sinha Cinema a falawa movie."[10]