Two orphaned sisters, Rabeya (Bonna Mirza) and Rokeya (Jyotika Jyoti), live with their uncle, Emdad Kazi (Aly Zaker) who is a conservative Muslim League leader supporting the Pakistan Army, in the village of Ibrahimpur located by the Rupsa River in the Ganges Delta, where a Pakistani army captain stationed a military base. Emdad wants one of his nieces, Rabeya, to be married to his son, Tariqul. Kazi's nephew, Khaled, joins the Mukti Bahini to fight for Bangladesh's independence, but is shot dead by the Pakistan Army during a battle, and is left alone unburied by the river, and no one is allowed to be near the corpse. The Pakistan Army warned not to bury any guerrilla fighter, branded as an 'Indian agent' or 'traitor', and anyone doing so will be executed. Rabeya attempts to bury her brother, but while doing so, she runs away from the spot after almost being noticed by the razakars. Later, she tries to bury her brother again, but was caught and later spared. Rabeya was later taken to her uncle, who told her that burying someone is not the duty of a woman. One night, she goes alone and attempts to continue burying her brother, but was caught by the Pakistan Army and was shot dead. The Bengali guerrilla fighters declare Rabeya as a martyr, and inspire the poor peasants to stand against the army for an independent Bangladesh.[5][6]
Aly Zaker as Emdad Kazi - A conservative chairman of the village of Ibrahimpur.
Bonna Mirza as Rabeya - A courageous sister who attempted to bury her brother, Khaled, but was shot dead at the spot.