He was born in 1876 in Buenos Aires to Julio César Naón Capanegra and Felisa Peralta Martínez de Oliden. He married Isabel Rodríguez Marcenal. In 1914 he attended the Niagara Falls peace conference to reduce tensions between Mexico and the United States. He died 1941 in Buenos Aires.[2]
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the thanks of Congress to their excellencies be, and they are hereby, presented to their excellencies Señor Domício da Gama, Señor Rómulo S. Naón, and Señor Eduardo Suárez for their generous services as mediators in the controversy between the Government of the United States of America and the leaders of the warring parties in the Republic of Mexico. That the President of the United States is hereby authorized and requested to cause to be made and presented to their excellencies Señor Domicio da Gama, Señor Rómulo S. Naón, and Señor Eduardo Suárez suitable gold medals, appropriately inscribed, which shall express the high estimation in which Congress holds the services of these distinguished statesmen, and the Republics which they represent, in the promotion of peace and order in the American continent.
^"President Predicts Union of Americas". New York Times. March 30, 1915. Retrieved 2011-01-10. Emphasis on the "growing warmth of affection as well as of understanding" between the United States and other nations of the Western Hemisphere was laid by President Wilson in an address at a luncheon given today in his honor by Dr. Romulo S. Naon, the Argentine Ambassador, on board the new Argentine battleship Moreno, in Annapolis Roads.