On December 19, 1542, a chronicler by the name of Jean de Vandenesse recorded the overnight stay of the royal procession in Puebla del Salvador. This was a procession that accompanied the Holy Roman Emperor, Carlos V and Prince Felipe II to Madrid.[2]
As is common in most towns, the festive calendar of Puebla del Salvador has two types of celebrations; religious and ones based on tradition. The religious celebrations celebrate saints recognized by the village. The celebrations based on tradition are usually related to the land, fertility, courtship, etc.[3]
The feast of Epiphany (Three Kings Day)
January 6
Saint Isidro (the laborer)
May 15
Saint Quiteria (virgin martyr and saint)
May 28
El Salvador (The Savior)
August 6
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
August 15
Saint Quiteria
The municipality has a surface area of 48.09 km2. In 2022 the population was 192 inhabitants with a density of 3.99 inhab/km2.
The population breakdown summary is as follows:
11.46% of the population is under the age of 20
20.31% of the population is between the ages of 20-40
22.92% of the population is between the ages of 40-60