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Hallbergmoos Lambang kebesaranLetak Hallbergmoos di Freising NegaraJermanNegara bagianBayernWilayahOberbayernKreisFreisingPemerintahan • MayorKlaus StallmeisterLuas • Total35,06 km2 (1,354 sq mi)Ketinggian460 m (1,510 ft)Populasi (2013-12-31)[1] • Total10.084 • Kepadatan2,9/km2 (7,4/sq mi)Zona waktuWET/WMPET (UTC+1/+2)Kode pos85396–85399Kode area telepon0811Pelat kendaraanFSSitus Ha...

Pengadilan Rakyat di Jerman Nazi adalah contoh pengadilan tontonan. Di gambar ini, Adolf Reichwein tengah disidang pada tahun 1944. Ia kemudian divonis hukuman mati dan menjadi korban pembunuhan yudisial.[1] Pengadilan tontonan adalah pengadilan yang terbuka untuk umum dan para hakim sudah menentukan apakah terdakwa bersalah atau tidak sebelum sidang digelar. Tujuan pengadilannya sendiri hanya untuk menunjukkan terdakwa dan vonisnya kepada umum supaya dapat menjadi contoh dan peringat...

Garis suksesi tahta Monegasque adalah daftar orang yang digelari untuk meneruskan tahta Monako. Garis suksesi paling terkini dimodifikasi oleh perubahan konstitusional yang diimplementasikan oleh Hukum Kepangeranan 1.249 pada 2 April 2002. Garis suksesi Putri Hanover, saat ini berada pada garis ketiga tahta tersebut Daftar di bawah ini berisi seluruh orang yang saat ini layak untuk meneruskan tahta (nomor 1 sampai 12) dan anak kandung akan memasukki garis tersebut jika orang tua mereka menika...

Part of a series onBritish law Acts of Parliament of the United Kingdom Year 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 ...

Diagram UMLUnified Modeling Language (UML) adalah bahasa spesifikasi standar untuk mendokumentasikan, menspesifikasikan, dan membangun sistem perangkat lunak. Pendahuluan Unified Modeling Language (UML) adalah himpunan struktur dan teknik untuk pemodelan desain program berorientasi objek (OOP) serta aplikasinya.[1] UML adalah metodologi untuk mengembangkan sistem OOP dan sekelompok perangkat tool untuk mendukung pengembangan sistem tersebut.[1] UML mulai diperkenalkan oleh Ob...

Bupati Lombok UtaraPetahanaH. Djohan Sjamsu, S.H.sejak 26 Februari 2021Masa jabatan5 tahunDibentuk2008Pejabat pertamaDrs. H. Lalu BakriSitus Berikut ini adalah daftar Bupati Lombok Utara dari masa ke masa.[1] No Bupati Mulai Jabatan Akhir Jabatan Prd. Ket. Wakil Bupati – Drs. H.Lalu Bakri 30 Desember 2008 5 Januari 2010 - [Ket. 1] – Drs.Ridwan Hidayat 6 Januari 2010 2 Agustus 2010 [Ket. 2] 1 H.Djohan SjamsuS.H. 2 Agustus 2010 2 Agustus ...

Transport systems and services in Libya Traffic congestion in Bayda, Libya in 2010. Railways Main article: Rail transport in Libya Libya has had no railway in operation since 1965, all previous narrow gauge lines having been dismantled. Plans for a new network have been under development for some time (earthworks were begun between Sirte and Ras Ajdir, Tunisia border, in 2001-5),[1] and in 2008 and 2009 various contracts were placed and construction work started on a 1,435 mm (4&...

Serie A Femminile 2016-2017 Competizione Serie A femminile Sport Calcio Edizione 50ª Organizzatore Dipartimento Calcio Femminile Date dal 1º ottobre 2016al 13 maggio 2017 Luogo Italia Partecipanti 12 Risultati Vincitore Fiorentina(1º titolo) Secondo Brescia Retrocessioni Como 2000LusernaChietiL.F. Jesina Statistiche Miglior marcatore Lana Clelland (23) Incontri disputati 132 Gol segnati 545 (4,13 per incontro) Cronologia della competizione 2015-2016 2017-2018 Manua...

ХристианствоБиблия Ветхий Завет Новый Завет Евангелие Десять заповедей Нагорная проповедь Апокрифы Бог, Троица Бог Отец Иисус Христос Святой Дух История христианства Апостолы Хронология христианства Раннее христианство Гностическое христианство Вселенские соборы Н...

Copa Libertadores da América de 2014 LV Copa Libertadores de AméricaCopa Bridgestone Libertadores 2014 Estádio onde aconteceu a grande final, em Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dados Participantes 38 Organização CONMEBOL Período 28 de janeiro – 13 de agosto Gol(o)s 325 Partidas 138 Média 2,36 gol(o)s por partida Campeão San Lorenzo (1º título) Vice-campeão Nacional Melhor marcador 5 gols: Julio dos Santos (Cerro Porteño) Nicolás Olivera (Defensor Sporting) Melhor ataque (fase inicial...

Brunstatt La mairie. Blason Administration Pays France Région Grand Est Département Haut-Rhin Arrondissement Mulhouse Intercommunalité Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération (M2A) Statut Commune déléguée Maire délégué Jérémie Friderich Code postal 68350 Code commune 68056 Démographie Gentilé Brunstattois Population 6 175 hab. (2015) Densité 639 hab./km2 Géographie Coordonnées 47° 43′ 26″ nord, 7° 19′ 24″ est Altitude Min. 240...

The guest list at the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer on 29 July 1981 included many members of royal families from around the world, republican heads of state, and members of the bride's and groom's families. As Prince Charles was heir to the British throne, the event was automatically deemed a state occasion, formally requiring the invitation of many foreign heads of state; in addition, the marriage of the prince, who remained a bachelor until the age of 32, to the 20-year-...

Ėl'vira Herman Nazionalità Bielorussia Atletica leggera Specialità Ostacoli alti Società SK FPB Record 200 m 2346 (2019) 60 hs 797 (indoor - 2019) 100 hs 1264 (2018) CarrieraNazionale 2016- BielorussiaPalmarès Competizione Ori Argenti Bronzi Europei 1 0 0 Europei indoor 0 0 1 Universiadi 0 1 0 Giochi olimpici giovanili 0 1 0 Mondiali under 20 1 0 0 Europei under 23 1 1 0 Europei juniores 1 0 0 Vedi maggiori dettagli Statistiche aggiornate al 4 dicembre 2019 Modifica dati su Wi...

Subfield within human geography A world map illustrating cultural areas. Cultural geography is a subfield within human geography. Though the first traces of the study of different nations and cultures on Earth can be dated back to ancient geographers such as Ptolemy or Strabo, cultural geography as academic study firstly emerged as an alternative to the environmental determinist theories of the early 20th century, which had believed that people and societies are controlled by the environment ...

Historical regionLazistan LazonaHistorical region Historical LazistanCoordinates: 40°55′54″N 40°50′52″E / 40.93167°N 40.84778°E / 40.93167; 40.84778Country Georgia Turkey Largest cityRizeLazistan is not an official subdivision of either Georgia or Turkey; it constitutes a historical region only. Laz people Place of distribution Lazistan Georgia Turkey Germany Religion Sunni Islam Christianity Eparchy of Batumi and Lazeti The Seven Bro...

Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Oktober 2022. First National Bank TowerInformasi umumStatusRampungJenisKantor komersialLokasi1601 Dodge Street Omaha, Nebraska USAKoordinat41°15′33″N 95°56′16″W / 41.25917°N 95.93778°W / 41.25917; -95.93778Mulai dibangun1999Rampun...

The different levels of education in Flanders Education in Belgium is regulated and for the most part financed by one of the three communities: Flemish, French and German-speaking. Each community has its own school system, with small differences among them. The federal government plays a very small role: it decides directly the age for mandatory schooling and indirectly the financing of the communities. The schools can be divided in three groups (Dutch: netten; French: réseaux): Schools own...

SIGMA ClermontFormer namesENSCCF & IFMATypePublic Graduate Engineering SchoolEstablished01.01.2016PresidentNicolas GaytonStudents950LocationAubière, SIGMA Clermont is a French graduate engineering school and is a public institution under the authority of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. It is located in Aubière, Clermont-Ferrand metropolitan area, France. It was created on 01.01.2016 following the merger of ...

Evoluzione Meccanismi e processi Adattamento Deriva genetica Equilibri punteggiati Flusso genico Mutazione Radiazione adattativa Selezione artificiale Selezione ecologica Selezione naturale Selezione sessuale Speciazione Storia dell'evoluzionismo Storia del pensiero evoluzionista Lamarckismo Charles Darwin L'origine delle specie Neodarwinismo Saltazionismo Antievoluzionismo Campi della Biologia evolutiva Biologia evolutiva dello sviluppo Cladistica Evoluzione della vita Evoluzione molec...

Metro station in Suwon, South Korea K247 오목천 (수원여대)Omokcheon(Suwon Women's Univ.) Korean nameHangul오목천역Hanja梧木川驛Revised RomanizationOmokcheon-yeokMcCune–ReischauerOmokch'ŏn-yŏk General informationLocation1576 Samcheonbyongmaro, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi-doOperated byKorailLine(s) Suin–Bundang LinePlatforms2Tracks2ConstructionStructure typeUndergroundKey datesSeptember 12, 2020 Suin–Bundang Line ...