The film begins at a hill station where a naive native girl, Mothi, leads a cushy life. Raja is an energetic youngster brought up by his maternal uncle, Sundar Rao. He adheres to status & traditions, and his lavish daughter Latha commands Raja as her own, but he detests her vanity. Once, Sundar Rao was ailing when Raja walked onto the hill station with his uncle to rest. Raja crushes with Mothi, endearing her pure soul. Anyhow, her mate Chimlli alerts Mothi not to trust the city men. Suddenly, Sundar Rao is critical, so Raja must pack up immediately without reporting Mothi. Then, several incredulities & Chimlli's harshness throws Mothi into despondency. Plus, she shatters through Parasuram, a big fish, entices her and lures her parents, Khade Rao & Bunny, by paying the price. They forcibly carry Mothi to Parasuram's hometown for espousal. After setting everything up, Raja rushes for Mothi when he gets devastated, conscious of her wedlock and back.
Meanwhile, Parasuram backstabs Mothi's parents when she tactically absconds and lands in the town. In a quest for Raja, Mothi heads to his residence, where she misinterprets Latha's association with him and lays waste to her. Following this, she meets with an accident and is secured & sheltered by a beggar, Siva Swamy. Being grateful for his affection, Mothi becomes a busker to aid his family. A theatrical tribe owner, Raoji, screens her and offers a chance in his drama. However, Parasuram is behind Mothi, whom Raoji apprehends by the Police. Now, she partakes in Shakuntala's play, which Raja attends, and the turtle dove love blossoms again. Here, Sundar Rao & Latha begrudge and ruse by making Mothi quit the village. Discerning it, Raja rebukes them and speeds for her. Parasuram acquits from the prison and clutches Mothi when Raja arrives & combat arises. At last, Mothi sacrifices her life while guarding Raja, and Chimlli slaughters Parasuram. Finally, the movie ends with Raja & Latha paving homage to Mothi.