Preethiyinda is a 2015 Indian Kannada-language romantic drama film directed by Raju Halaguru and starring Rakesh Adiga and Sonia Gowda with Avinash in a supporting role.
A critic from Sify wrote that "Overall, it is a below average movie and can be skipped!"[2] A critic from The Hindu wrote that "Preetiyinda creates its own nonsensical universe. The film heightens stereotypes of the ideal son, the lover and the idea of love itself. Far from earning applause, Preetiyinda is a distressing experience".[3] A critic from Deccan Herald wrote that "Seeped in myriad of sentiments, debutant director Raju Halagur’s Preethiyinda turns out to be one of missed opportunity. Halagur’s honest intentions of a clean, message-oriented movie is appreciable".[4]